Posted Signs on West Valley Creek

Aye, yie, yie,

This is the protocol used to indicate fishing permitted only in PA.

It is done all over York County and the state...Y'all need to get out more.

If the property owner wants to exclude fishing he would have taken the signs down.

The white signs trump the Posted signs for the activity indicated on the signs. I am sure that ANY reasonable magistrate would see it that way too.

Again those signs are to keep people out of the in the creek is allowed. been fishing there for 20 somethingyears. 199 percent certain. There is a wco there all the time and I have helped with stocking multiple times.Trust us we know.
wow, didn't realize i would start such a debate.
Congratulations, you are now a full part of the active posters here.
We have a similar situation on a stream near us. PFBC Approved Trout Water sign directly above a No Trespassing sign. In this case, the No Trespassing sign is in effect and is enforced often. This property owner permits walk-in access on an adjacent trail to property further downstream, but strictly prohibits access through his yard. PFBC signs reflect fishing regulations, not always property access restrictions.

Just contacted a friend of mine who works for the southeastern Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission and he said one can fish there but not, in anyway or form interfere with the operations of the neighboring quarry, either by parking or by entering the processing area or area of operations. He also stated that the signs are posted there for "liability causes", just in case one gets hurt on the property. So fish away!
Some time ago we had the same issue regarding a land owner posting his land. The East Brandywine twp facilitators had to spend money on lawyers and land surveys to show this person the land belonged to the twp. and was part of a rec trail tied into Marsh Creek rec. area. As JackM stated the white signs take precedent over landowner signs. The area entailed a dhalo section of the East Brandywine Creek. Some of the members here posted regarding the issue. It is good that you noticed the signs in question. before fishing read every sign posted in regards to the waterway you wish to fish, it will help out on the wallet.
fadeaway..i agree but shhh :)