Post rain late season fishing



May 27, 2010
So I’m looking to get out in Chester County Saturday morning but with heavy rain Friday night not sure what should work. I normal just fish a kabari fly on tenkara cause I’m lazy and it’s easy and seem to pick up a few fish here and there if I’m feeling more involved I’ll pull out the 5wt and nymph, wooly booger, drift some dry flies. Never had much luck on small creeks with higher dirty water like I would be expecting Saturday morning. Any things I should try or look for?
If your fishing Chester Creek I would try some light wolly buggers or some rubber legged prince nymphs. I would also fish the banks.
trout48 wrote:
If your fishing Chester Creek I would try some light wolly buggers or some rubber legged prince nymphs. I would also fish the banks.

^ This is good advice for any streams during high flow conditions. I like very dark streamers rather than light colored ones for high water.