Post Numbers Decline!



Active member
Jun 19, 2010
Anybody else notice the sudden decline in your number of total posts. I had over 2000 posts and now I am down to 15. That's about three posts per year since I joined! Some of you fellows don't have any! LOL
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Really!? Testin' this tish out.
Sasquatch I got yours at 64 post. Is that what it says on your computer? Maybe my computer is messed up.
Yup. 64 posts. To quote Hank Hill, "That ain't right"
Wonder what happened, apparently this is my first post. haha

It's only tracking useful posts. LMAO. Must be broken....gave me credit for one right there.
krayfish2 wrote:

It's only tracking useful posts. LMAO. Must be broken....gave me credit for one right there.

Yep! The site software has scanned every post and is not counting all the BS posts a member makes.... :-o

Back to square one for many of us.... :-?

Well if I'm useless, do I at least get a Participation Trophy. lol
What the heck. I want my stars back!!
Been away a while. Testing....

Edit: Squatch got me beat, this was my 32nd post!
Speaking only as an observer:

I can search and find my very first post on this board. The posts are there, but the software isn't reporting the correct number. If this signals a glitch in the software, then I would recommend to all posters that they save (on their hard-drive) anything they want in their PMs or threads they have bookmarked for whatever reason, just in case. I don't think there is any imminent danger of collapse of the database, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
We'll get you a ribbon but according to James Harrison.... No
afishinado wrote:

Yep! The site software has scanned every post and is not counting all the BS posts a member makes.... :-o

Back to square one for many of us.... :-?

Yes, and Hillary was hired to determine which ones were relevant.
There are a lot of people who have too many posts and some with really not many. So much just the government I am working on redistribution of posts and power. None if it will make sense and everyone will be likely annoyed at best.

Clearly a stubborn bug that I can't seem to fix.

dkile wrote:
There are a lot of people who have too many posts and some with really not many. So much just the government I am working on redistribution of posts and power. None if it will make sense and everyone will be likely annoyed at best.

Clearly a stubborn bug that I can't seem to fix.

Then don't.

It aint broke, why fix it?
If you institute a max word count, Pat will be in trouble.
First Post....Hello PAFlyFish!
Welcome to the jungle!
With all the posts reset you can clearly notice the people that need to be on the water more since they have all this time to spend on here posting :p