Post Fracking Boom, where do we stand?


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
No tat the fracking boom is behind us how have the central PA streams held up?
Has there been a long term impact?

At least in my experience most, if not all, impacts were temporary.
I don't see any difference in the streams I visit compared to pre fracking times.

What is your experience?
Has anyone seen any recent studies comparing pre fracking surveys with post fracking (post 2022) surveys?
No tat the fracking boom is behind us how have the central PA streams held up?
Has there been a long term impact?

At least in my experience most, if not all, impacts were temporary.
I don't see any difference in the streams I visit compared to pre fracking times.

What is your experience?
Has anyone seen any recent studies comparing pre fracking surveys with post fracking (post 2022) surveys?
Interesting question. Looking forward to some responces.
The only impact I know of are the circular clearings on the tops of the mountains surrounding Pine Creek Valley, as can be seen on the satellite maps. I have no idea when the chemically infused water that was injected into the mountains will resurface - or if it even will.
If economic impact is considered, the glut of relatively cheap natural gas from fracking was eating everyone else's lunch in the power generation industry in the years immediately after the boom. (I'm not counting wind and solar since they experienced less of an impact since they were and are enjoying the benefits of taxpayer-provided subsidies.)
which boom ended?

I'm no expert on gas wells, but these things still produce long after the drilling/shale cracking is done, correct?
Yes, they produce for years. But it's the clearing of the site and the drilling/fracking that causes the most impacts. Along with new roads and pipeline. Once that's in the damage is done, so to speak.
Well, I know a lot of them continue to leak methane long after oil/gas production has halted.
True. But from a surface water quality standpoint I don't think it's a factor for trout.

There is a lot of natural methane in ground water in Penns Valley, but Penns Creek has a healthy population of bugs and fish.
I'm no expert on gas wells, but these things still produce long after the drilling/shale cracking is done, correct?
Dear 6xAdams,

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.

There is no reason to keep punching holes when we produce more natural gas than we can consume.

That is the problem with extractive industries. The go like hell when greenlighted and proceed to over produce what can be consumed driving the prices down. Then they go bankrupt leaving you and I and the rest of the taxpayers left holding the bag.

From a kid born in Schuylkill County PA, that is literally science. But hey, at least there is a Spawl Mart on the site of the Cannonball in St. Clar that we used to climb as kids and get our butts whipped for coming home so cruddy. 😉


Tim Murphy 🙂