Popular stream Chester County



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
On October 18 I slipped out of the house to say goodbye to trout fishing for 2015. I fished alone for the morning starting around 7:30. The water flow was moderate considering the lack of rain this fall. The water had its usual slight milky cast. When I started fishing the air temperature was 47 degrees and the water temperature was 56. The weather was dry and clear with bright sun. There were some very small bugs intermittently. I could not identify the hatch. I fished an elk hair caddis sizes 18 and 20. Missed the first two strikes. I saw a fish rising and managed to get it to hand. Several pools up I found what I thought was a rising fish. It took my fly and landed the biggest brown I've ever landed on this stream. A short while later I hooked a real dinker. All of the fish I took were in the larger, flat pools. I decided to call it a day and a year. It was a great way to close out my trout season.