Popular SE PA. Stream



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
On October 5 I played hooky from work and called in too well to work. I drove to a popular Southeast class A stream. At about 9:30 the air temp was 58 degrees. The water was low and gin clear. It did not have the usual slightly milky cast. The water temperature was 66 degrees. I saw nothing hatching. There were numerous fish in each pool many under 3 inches. Fish were in most of the pools looking active. I started out fishing an elk hair caddis in size 18 and a zebra midge dropper in size 20. I had no takes. Eventually I cut off the dropper and fished the caddis. This moved a few fish but no hookups.

The weather continued clear and dry. I decided to stop for lunch and dropped down lower on the creek. I switched to a thorax tied cut wing Adams dry in size 18. I fished up stream movie the occasional fish. I saw a few risers and was able to get them to take. Brought 3 to hand on the dry. I missed at least 8 other fish some with solid hookups and others with just a swat. At about 3 pm I turned around and fished downstream using a size 16 variation on the copper John. Missed one fish and landed a two inch brown. I’m not sure if it was trying to eat the nymph or make love to it.

It was a great day to not be in the office.


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I just realized this should have been posted in Stream Reports. My bad. Hopefully a moderator will move it fo me.
It was, I think they moved it because you didn't name the stream.
salmo wrote:
I just realized this should have been posted in Stream Reports. My bad. Hopefully a moderator will move it fo me.

You had actually posted this in Stream Reports. We respectfully request that threads in that forum deal with specific trips to specific waters that are identified.

This is a perfectly good report, but since it doesn't identify where you fished, it belongs in Locations or General forum. This is why I moved it.

We welcome fishing reports or photos that don't identify streams, they just don't fit with the site owner's intent for threads in the Reports forum.
I’m pretty sure that everyone knows what stream your talking about. Your not going to increase the pressure by naming it on here.
I’m a bit sensitive to naming this creek. I was pretty severely castigated when I posted and named the creek several years ago. I was accused of spot burning. In any event it’s my favorite creek on a short drive from my home. Next time I’ll identify it if I decide to post a report. Still a great day of fishing.
No worries I understand. I think the worry on this stream is that certain favorite spots might get exposed. I think I remember something like this about this stream but it’s listed as class A so certainly no secrect, just secrect spots, or so you may think.
All o my secret spots on this particular stream have plenty of boot footprints that look pretty new when I fish it. Probably the worst kept secret around.