Poles, poles, poles.



Mar 23, 2011
In the family, we have a bunch of different rods and reels and stuff. None of it is high quality Orvis Helios and stuff like that but they are pretty nice and they do get the job done. Here is the background: Yesterday I went fishing but in the back of the truck by dads kayak landed on my rod shattering the tip. They don't make the rod anymore. Now I have a normal 9' 5/6 wt rod and a graphite 7 1/2 foot 6 wt rod. I was wondering what would be more appropriate for trout fishing/ small to midsize streams. I. in my opinion, think the 9' rod is two overwhelming. Although I have no problem casting with it, I just think it's too big. I need to know for the fly fishing camp I'm going to, so; Opinions?
Are you attending the Rivers Conservation and Youth Camp at Allenberry?
If so, you'll be fishing the Yellow Breeches which is a good sized creek. I'd recommend the 9' rod. If possible, bring 'em both - you'll have multiple opportunities in the morning and evening to fish and using two different rods would be a good learning experience. But take the 9' if you can have only one.
Yes, that is the camp I am going to. You are going to be a ghillie, correct? And what are you teaching? I think I can bring both. I will talk to my dad. I am sure he doesn't care. If you don't mind, may I ask the "method behind your madness"?
Orvis Helios Rod?not good stuff?At $800 it's pretty pricy not good quality..Or did I miss something? GG
I was saying how my rod wasn't as good as an Orvis Helios, but it gets the job done. Here, let's reread: "...we have a bunch of different rods and reels and stuff. None of it is high quality Orvis Helios and stuff like that but they are pretty nice and they do get the job done." Maybe it's clearer now? Idk. When I think it makes sense to me, but maybe not when I type. (And btw, I tried an orvis helios, I wish i could afford it...lol)
My bad,I apologize for my shortsightedness.
Rods don't make fishermen,imho,which rod are you most comfortable with?
Take them both and have a good time.GG
Well, I haven't used either. It's going to be an interesting learning experience. Lol. I am going to take both. It's decided. Thanks guys!
Put a new tip guide on the broken one it may change the action,but it may not be noticeable.
Okay, I remember. We chatted awhile back. I'm actually not one of the instructors that week, just a ghillie. I'm scheduled to ghillie on Wed evening and Fri morning so maybe I'll meet yuh. Just ask around for Dave Weaver those days. I'll be at the pavilion when fishing starts. Due to potential work conflicts I'm not a sure thing but hope to be there. If you're there the Sat before the camp starts, I'll have a booth at the Heritage Days.
Hope to see yuh. If not, here's wishing you a great camp. You'll love it (don't worry too much about which rod).

I won't be there that day because we are either dropping my sis off to go to ireland, or my mom to minnesota. Don't worry, I'll ask around for you. ;)
Dont worry your not the only one with bad luck breaking rods. I broke mine tonite also, a cheapy but it was my first rod and kinda grew on me.

Hey G the only reason i would say the 9 ft is cause at least for me while nymph fishing i find it alot easier for mending. I also use a 7 foot 6 rod at times so i agree with others take both and have a good time.