Poison ivy and neoprene waders?



New member
Mar 31, 2016
Hi all, I'm new here, so please forgive if this is the wrong forum.

I am curious on what I should do with my neoprene waders I just purchased in the event I walk through poison ivy?

That stuff is nasty and I'm highly sensitive.

I don't want to mess up my waders and I was hoping some of you might have some input for me.

Thanks in advance

I would douse them with Dawn detergent in a bucket in the backyard, hose them down, throw in washing machine with detergent. Rinse, repeat. Should be enough.
I don't think you have to worry about poison ivy "messing up" your waders. I've walked through plenty of it over the years. And never had any wader problems from that.
And it's far better that it comes in contact with neoprene, than your skin IMO
Poison ivy is one of the main reasons I don't wet wader anymore.
Oils are definitely transferable, but you'd almost have to try to compromise them to get exposed like that.
Burn them immediately. Just kidding.
If their new, I'd return them and buy just about anything breathable.
Proper layering underneath Gore-Tex or any other breathable material is better than neoprene waders any day of the week.
Hammerojustice wrote:
Hi all, I'm new here, so please forgive if this is the wrong forum.

Definitely the right forum and definitely a good question.

I don't recall this issue ever coming up that I can remember. Certainly PI oils can embed on fabrics. If you're really sensitive to PI, perhaps it might be a good idea to design some sort of portable wader cleaning system: maybe a tub of soapy water with brush(?). You could use a rubber glove to wipe down your waders when you return to the car and then roll 'em up so that they're outside in for storage.
Honestly, I can't think of a case where someone got PI from coming in contact with their (or someone else's) waders or fishing gear.

Welcome, by the way, to our online community hammer.
Dave W
Thanks all. I was more worried about waders to skin transfer the next time I wore them. I didn't mean get PI through the waders but rather after the fact or the next time I wore them.

Seems like a detergent like dawn or fels naptha will do the trick.

could also hurt the neoprene detergents are not recommended for most gear, try a mild soap instead. Ivory has always worked and is biodegradable. you could stand in a stream and wash down with no effects to the water
Take it from someone who gets poison ivy just thinking about it, you WILL transfer oil from wading gear to your hands and what ever you touch with your hands while or after fishing. :-o

The oil is called Urushiol and it can be removed with soap & water. Dawn works but detergents will eventually ruin most things. I'd take Sandfly's advice and clean your gear with Ivory, maybe liquid Ivory or Murphy Oil Soap.

Another thing, invest in latex or Nitrile gloves for clean up and some Tecnu.

The Tecnu is great for removing the urushiol and is available in wipes you can keep in a pocket to clean off hands when you think you have come into contact in the field. I'm sure you already know this but time is of the essence when removing urushiol.

Another thing I have been carrying in my fishing kit since I was a kid is soap. In the old days I kept some Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Oil soap in an old glass cough syrup bottle, there days it's packets of soap leaves which you can find at Cabela's or Walmart in the camping section.

ANY time I think I come in contact, I wash off in the creek with the handy soap leaves.
Thanks all.

I brought some fels naptha with me yesterday.

I went to a new stream yesterday and didn't encounter any PI but I seriously appreciate all of your input!
