Pocono Brook Trout Streams



Well-known member
Feb 27, 2017
Downingtown, PA
Hey guys,

I’m headed up to the Poconos March 23rd for the weekend, I’m looking for suggestions about worthwhile brook trout streams to fish. My girlfriend and I are headed up that way, we were looking at hiking and fishing one of the days we are up there. My experience with the Poconos fishing wise is limited, a buddy of mine and I checked out Cross Keys Creek and Kistler Run in SGL 127 and Ash Creek in SGL 135 but didn’t have much luck the swamps and heavy brush kinda threw us for a loop...

I was looking at Hawk Run in Hickory Run State Park potentially?


Hawk Run is listed as a brook trout stream, but the sections I've fished have all had more browns than brooks. Maybe above the road there are more brooks, I don't know never fished above the road.
Hickory Run above the Park office is good and there's a long stretch of water that goes up the the falls to fish. By that time in March the brookies should be pretty hungry. The Poconos are pretty big to limit yourself to one area though. Look for places in SGL's and State Forests that have good access and a trail along them. Some you can start fishing right away others you have to walk a bit before starting to fish.
Generally you need to get away from roads to find better fishing. If you want more info, PM me with the area you will be going to.
Most of that area is in the later opening day which I believe is 3/31.
troutwilleatflies wrote:
Most of that area is in the later opening day which I believe is 3/31.

From my understanding, Class A and Wild Trout water, along with special regulations (FFO, DHALO, C&R) allow for year round catch and release fishing. DHALO being from sometime in June to Labor Day. The closed season (in March to Openning day ) only applies to stocked trout waters, such as Tobyhanna Creek.