

Active member
Dec 3, 2006
I have heard a number reports that poachers issued citations usually are not prosecuted once they appear in front of the local magistrate. How true are these stories? Are violators listed in the local paper under the legal notices section? While I believe poachers can negatively impact fishing in special regulation areas, I am apt to believe environmental factors, decreased habitat and natural predators are more likely the causes in the reduction of trout populations.

I am responding to the posts which cite a recent decline in fishing at Big Spring Creek. It appears to me that the trout populations may just be establishing an equilibrium from the initial improvements made in habitat and water quality. However, I have discussed with a number of fellow anglers who feel that more sinister forces are in play. Hate to flame a touchy subject but I am curious what the board members think. So I am lighting the match...
Link to August 2015 trout survey by the PFBC:


Brook trout population way up in numbers and spreading out through the stream while rainbow trout numbers down.

Most anglers see this to be an improvement. In fact, it was debated whether rainbows should be removed from the stream to allow the brook trout to flourish. It appears that is happening naturally.

I have not heard any angler complaints about the fishing at Big Spring. In fact, I just got a PM from an angler the other day thrilled about the number and size of the brook trout he caught there.
Well I have heard several complaints. To me the fish numbers are a lot better than they were when the hatchery was in operation. I never saw a fish below the ditch prior ( this goes back to 1988). There are still some large rainbows swimming around. I did notice a decline in the rainbows, especially in the ditch and the areas 1/2 mile below and after the major flood we had last summer.
My observations are similar to the study. A brookie below the ditch was a pretty rare thing up until the past couple years, now they account for about 60% of my catch, until about nealy. I also have read reports (not recently) that anglers were leaving rainbows on the banks when the Brook Vs Rainbow discussions were in full swing, whether that's true or not I'm not sure.
I agree with afish that it is happening naturally, imo largely due to the new habitat improvement. The large boulders, log deflectors, etc, are being used greatly by the brooks for making their reds. I got some pretty good video and photos of this.
The flood we had last summer did kill some fish, especially in the ditch area. I arrived the next day and talked to a few guys who saw mainly rainbows on the banks that didn't make it. The water levels were only a few feet away from the road.
As for poaching, I personally haven't seen anyone keeping fish, although I have had to direct a few spin fishers outside the regs area.