Poaching the Yellow Breeches



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Sunday morning our usual group was gathered at the picnic pavilion at the Run. An individual was spin fishing at the "plunge pool" and landed two trout which he hid in the brush. When he went to use the Jiffy John, the individual who witnessed this went to the bushes and retrieved the two trout that were in a plastic bag.

The "poacher" then went down to the lower end of the run and was again witnessed landing a good size trout and putting in his vest. He then went over to his vehicle that was parked on the road by the swimming pool and put that fish in a cooler.

I personally called the local waterways patrol officer and left a message describing the incident. I also took a picture of the poacher and his tag number.

Thus far I have had no response to my call.
Some may think this a minor incident. However, it was obvious the this guy knew that what he was doing was illegal and thought nothing of it.

Anyone familiar with that portion of the Breeches knows that the open water is a short distance upstream and holds plenty of fish for those who chose to keep a few.

Yellow Breeches Anglers stocks the run and fly fishing only portion of the creek regularly. It is by no means an cheap endeavor and individuals abusing the rules add to the expenses.
. I am disappointed by the fact that as of today, I have not heard from the waterways officer. It seems obvious that this is not the first time this individual has poached and will continue to do so until he is caught.

That is my rant for today.
Sorry to hear this. I hope you hear back from the Fish Comm. I have had ZERO follow up on reports I've made recently and in the past. I am sorry to say I have very little confidence in their interest in investigating poaching.
You should've tipped the job johnny over when he was in there.
Around here, there was a nasty manure spill. DEP reps. were here within 3 hours but declared that there was no damage. However, the sulphurs were wiped out for miles, so the reps must have been incompetent, clueless.

The PFBC was called but never replied to the caller, which was a big disappointment. Looks like 6 miles of the creek will have to gradually rebuild a population of sulphurs.
joebamboo wrote:
I personally called the local waterways patrol officer and left a message describing the incident. I also took a picture of the poacher and his tag number.

Good on you for giving them a call - all too often frustrated folks come here and rant on this message board about poaching or pollution. . . but don't bother to make the call.

If it were me, I'd wait another day or two and politely call back and leave another message asking if they rec'd the first one. Make sure you reiterate that you included a license plate. Let us know how things turn out.
joebamboo wrote:

I personally called the local waterways patrol officer and left a message describing the incident.

You did the right thing.
While it being Sunday has a lot to do with it, I recently called the PFBC about a similar situation at the Run when I suspected someone of snagging fish at the same "plunge pool".

I got a live person on the phone who was more than happy to take information on my suspicions despite me telling her I wasn't sure. Less than 10 minutes after I called, I saw a WCO walking up to the pool but the "suspect" was gone.

I keep the numbers of all the regional law enforcement offices and the PFGC numbers as well on my phone and rat out law breakers all the time. Sometimes it is more fun than fishing!!

I guess I am luckier than some because I have never had PFBC law enforcement or Fisheries personnel ever fail to call me back when I've left messages and that's across the entire state.

The next time you see something like that and you know the perp's car, a small jackknife in the sidewalls is also a lot more fun than fishing.
Bamboozle wrote:

The next time you see something like that and you know the perp's car, a small jackknife in the sidewalls is also a lot more fun than fishing.

... because pelletheads are worth the risks that come with that action.
Can I have your gear after you are shot?

What you suggest is a crime. That puts YOU on the same plane as the poacher. Nice, huh?

Not only is what you suggest dangerous and irresponsible, it's flat out STUPID. Why go to jail over a fish, or two, or ten, or...?
Good job on reporting the incident. Great job on taking a picture of the poacher (hopefully it is of his face) and the tag of the car. I hope you also took pictures of the victims in their little bag. While this is excellent work it is not enough unless your willing to go to court and testify against the culprit.

It's very possible that the WCO has been off. This occurred Sunday and your ranting on Monday afternoon. Seems a little soon for a rant. Most people have 2 days off in a row and a lot of people in law enforcement have 3 days off in a row. I would think a rant would be justified come Friday.

I would place another polite call reiterating what you have and I would tell them of your willingness to testify. Thanks for being a true steward of our resources. I'm sure you will be happy with the results of your good work. At least I'm hoping so.

Not all WCO's are off on the weekend. Someone is always available and should be. Criminals never take a day off and thus the need for 24/7 coverage.

Having a law enforcement background, I have no problem appearing in court to testify.

I have provided enough information to easily and successfully prosecute this individual.

I have left another message with the WCO and haven't heard a word yet.
You have obviously witnessed something that is very disturbing to you. The trout that were lost are very important to you. The trout represent an emotional attachment robbed from you and others by a person with no regard for the law.
I am curious. Is it of any comfort to know they will stock many more in the stream?
Stocking trout draws a crowd and with a crowd come problems. A problem that I see as a result of fishing in a crowd or within site of another angler id the feeling of competition. Everyone wants to be the guy that is catching the most fish, especially when few others are. The danger of this motive for fishing is that it places the focus on us, the fisherman's desire to be that man trumps any and all respect for the trout.
The danger of stocking trout creates a mind set that poses a threat to wild trout populations and natural reproduction can be irreplaceable.
It comforts me more that this fisherman and ones like him have stocked trout to pursue. After all it is the culture that created him. This is my way of rationalizing.
Watching an eagle fly by with a large wild trout in it's talons is a pill to swallow too.
I don't know if any of this helps but don't allow that jerk to ruin your day or outing.
Update. I spoke with the WCO this evening and he indicated that he will begin the process to go forward with issuing the citations etc.

As far as taking this seriously, I do. It matters not whether he took stocked or native trout. He knowingly violated the regs and should be held accountable. Too bad you see it differently.

What doesn't make sense to me is there aren't enough officers as it is. As far as I understand it, and perhaps I'm mistaken, the officers are paid with money from licenses. And the price for licenses was reduced. Maybe it will attract more people to purchase a license and increase the available funds. I just don't see that happening on a large enough scale to make a difference.

I'm not looking to spend anymore than I have to honestly. But I would prefer to pay $10-20 more for a license instead of a whole $1 less if it would have the benefit of increasing coverage. Maybe I'm in the minority here.

I fish a few times a week. I spend a good amount of time in very popular areas and have not seen a single PBFC officer this year. I did see the DCNR park rangers once this year but I'm pretty sure they are different. And oddly enough it was not in a park it was on SGL.
Joe, I hope that I did not give you the impression that he should not be held accountable.
What is even more concerning to me is the lack of biologists. The PFBC is underfunded to provide proper protection because they are saddled with the stocking program.
The WCO's are spread awfully thin. Last time I was checked it was by a Game Commission WCO on Big Moore's Run on the last day of turkey a couple of years ago. He hadn't seen any hunters to check so he checked me. I was surprised to learn that Potter County didn't even have a PFBC WCO at that time. Is that still the case? The last class from the Stackpole school was in 2011. No money to run it.

To the OP, thank you for pursuing this. Good job.
You should have call the WCO reporting number instead of reporting it here. We can't enforce the law sitting at our computers.
He did that, Chaz.
Yo Joe - good on you, for a number of reasons. Like bamboozle, I enjoy catching poachers even more than I enjoy catching trouts. Our WCO here in Chester County is one of the great ones, and he is very responsive to zeroing in on poachers. He's also an enthusiastic ffisherman, so that may supply some of his passion.

I've been collecting the cell phone numbers of WCOs when I come across them in various counties.

BTW, is there any reason why you can't post the pix of the alleged poacher and his car here? That way, I can be more effective if I spot either.
