"Poaching" Special Reg Areas

Once again, I fully support what the WCO had to say and I provide info on violations or tips on higher than normal potential for violations to WCO's regarding different fisheries.

My heron comment goes to his second paragraph. On a relative basis, poacher harvest and legal harvest for that matter in the Tully DH should probably be the least of the potential angler-stated reasons as to why trout populations would be reduced enough that the reductions could be perceived in angler catch results. I am not suggesting, however, that no harvest, legal or illegal, occurs.

I appreciate when WCOs do a good job. So thank you.
What frustrates me is when I call to report (and provide descriptions, tag numbers etc.) and the woman answers and in an annoyed tone immediately starts telling me how they can't follow up on every report and are spread so thin. Or when I report illegal activity in person to a WCO and he stands there and blabs another ten minutes instead of going after the violators. Or when I end up in court with a WCO who trumps up trespassing charges against me for parking in a place where fishermen have parked for years and continue to do so. (He went so far as to put up signs AFTER the incident and then brought photos of them to court....admitted he did it). Also lied and said I was blocking railroad equip. and implied that the RR would cite me if he didn't. This same WCO left a nasty message on my answering machine in an attempt to intimidate me from going to court....(I WISH I had saved it). A few examples of totally wasted time and resources. There are some bad apples in the organization.
The violators on the Tulpehocken are also the ones who throw all the trash along the stream. We've cleaned it up almost every time we've been there this yr. and it appears again in a weeks time.


Thank you for your service. When I was in PA, I encounter both the 'uniformed' and the intentional scofflaw. I would always say something. Virtually all would cease fishing. One almost ran me over speeding away from Bear Creek. That was the only time I reported a violation, IDing the car and license.

In all honesty, it had been 15 to 20 years since I encountered a WCO on the streams in Pennsylvania. I think there may be too few of you.
Cool to see a WCO on here.

I have no doubt that many of the poachers caught are just ignorant of the rules. Many others are good at acting stupid. That accounts for the majority of poachers observed, and or caught in special regs waters. Accounts for the majority of those caught anywhere.

Then there is the third type of poacher smart enough to do it where he won't be seen or caught.

We don't have numbers on that.;-)

That is why I have often said that poachers make the best WCOs.

They know all the tricks. :lol:
FarmerDave wrote:
That is why I have often said that poachers make the best WCOs.

They know all the tricks. :lol:

So we should hire herons as WCO's? Just want to make sure I've understood the thread thus far.

If so, do we think they'll accept their paychecks in Chubs or will we need to figure some additional Trout fingerlings into the budget?
Two guys fishing worms and chicken livers tonight... DHALO area in Berks County.

Can anyone guess where?

I'll bet if you go there tomorrow they left the bait containers and some beer or soda cans too!
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Two guys fishing worms and chicken livers tonight... DHALO area in Berks County.

Can anyone guess where?

I'll bet if you go there tomorrow they left the bait containers and some beer or soda cans too!

Were you fishing too or did you see them when you drove by? Guessing the Tully had to be over 70 degrees last evening.
We have a winner. Upper end of spec regs. Could be a moneymaker for some WCO. Guys were about 5 ft from some of the posted signs, well down into regs area. At this point I just laugh because I don't waste time calling PAFBC anymore. Thre not really doing much harm other than littering anyway.

Water seemed cool enough though I didn't have thermometer. Two fish I caught released well. Water temp on gauge says 70 today but seemed cooler. That upper part is probably the coolest right now except maybe at some of tribs.
Having fished the Tully for many years, I have seen, been checked by and took many opportunities to chat with WCOs who were patrolling the Tully in many different areas. I took the opportunity and voiced some concerns that I have had over the years with illegal activity that I have seen. I honestly think that the Tully gets patrolled fairly regularly but the WCOs never seem to be where you think they should be at the right time. I was also standing right beside FI the other week when the WCO approached some anglers that were near us. I agree with FI and I think that the guy being checked and having to go to the car to retrieve his fishing license wasn't working real well for him that day.

I agree with the sentiment that signs should at least supplement the legalese of the statutes with "for dummies" versions

I can barely figure out the regs from the sings themselves

McSneek wrote:
Bamboozle wrote:
I have long believed that in the interest of clearing up some of the supposed mystery of PFBC signage, it would make total sense to print a secondary sign that could be posted beneath the Catch & Release Artificials Only/Fly Fishing Only sign that reads in huge letters:




It sounds simple but it would eliminate the "ignorance excuse"

While you are at it, another sign for Approved Trout streams for the idiots who think they can fish during the closed period as long as they don't harvest that reads:



Ningún pez puede mantenerse

En estas aguas

Can you provide a Russian/eastern European/Chinese version of these signs, especially for the Erie Streams where there seems to be a mistranslation of 3 steelhead meaning 30?
albud1962 wrote:
McSneek wrote:
Bamboozle wrote:
I have long believed that in the interest of clearing up some of the supposed mystery of PFBC signage, it would make total sense to print a secondary sign that could be posted beneath the Catch & Release Artificials Only/Fly Fishing Only sign that reads in huge letters:




It sounds simple but it would eliminate the "ignorance excuse"

While you are at it, another sign for Approved Trout streams for the idiots who think they can fish during the closed period as long as they don't harvest that reads:



Ningún pez puede mantenerse

En estas aguas

Can you provide a Russian/eastern European/Chinese version of these signs, especially for the Erie Streams where there seems to be a mistranslation of 3 steelhead meaning 30?

You're right that the Russian/Eastern European element has been known to poach more than their share out of the Erie tribs. These guys don't mess around either often resorting to large scale netting attempts. When there's barely any flow in Elk Creek and you can see every fish in the stream it must be a poacher's delight.

Just go to Google Translate and it will provide the appropriate wording in the native language of choise.
Got a sign in heronease?
Herons don't poach, they are Native Americans and should be allowed to open casinos on any stream they live on. On a more serious note,
I scared a pterodactyl off my pond yesterday at 4 in the afternoon. If you saw where I live (quarter acre in Jenkintown) and the size of my pond (12 X 7 X 4 deep) you'd have to laugh. There are, however, @ 50 good sizes goldfish as residents from 5 original mini goldfish as breeders, I quickly threw some fencing over it to protect my pets. I never see them in the summer and never in midday, always at dawn. Of course, that's were my screen name began, with the first heron fight in my backyard.
I agree that people illegally fishing reg areas probably don't do that much damage to fish pops for the most part. Illegal harvest of fish defines "poacher" but I don't automatically label fishing illegally a poacher. I do assume that these people want to harvest the fish they catch as the majority of people assume you fish to catch your dinner. If you're not very effective at catching fish or not catching fish at all then you're not a poacher...you're just a crappy fisherman fishing illegally with the intent to poach.
That said, there are some highly skilled anglers with the intent of cleaning out the stream and they are often underestimated. These guys are not dumb enough to fish in the middle of the day in a regs area. They are out in the middle of the night when no one else is around. They have a lot of local knowledge of the streams and know when and where the fish stack up for easy pickings.
I met a guy at a bar a few years back and we got to talking about fishing. He asked me if fish the "fly zones" and asked if I ever catch any decent fish. I was a bit puzzled...he went on to tell me he and his buddies used to go out at night and "clean out" the fly zones. He hadn't done it since he was getting older but said it was a common practice.
I agree that some of these folks are underestimated and I don't understand the 'consensus' that 'poaching' only takes place during daylight hours.
We are pretty sure that my local water is getting poached some, but once the boats start showing up on raystown then the WCO's dont come around anymore.