PM Message



Jan 28, 2007
Dave or whoever. When you get a moment, can you please update the message in the PM area? Currently it says,

"The PM system had a major problem and completely hosed up Monday. Sorry about the issue. You may have lost many of your PM's, but the database was corrupted. I was getting all kinds of errors and could not save it. I know many of you understand and thank you. Thanks for all the love from those that have sent me snarky messages suggesting that I would have purposely just deleted your PM's with out giving you warning. If you want to discuss we can take it up in the comments forum there is a thread already there."

Don't know what "Monday" you are referring to.

Also, if I am in a forum and click on a person's drop down next to their avatar and choose PM and then send a message, should that message appear in my OUTBOX?

Hey Gene, there is a ballot box below the text editor in the PM module that asks if you want to save the message to your outbox. You have to click that box for it to go there. It is not automatic.
Thanks Dave and thanks Maurice.