Plug - LL Fly Shop



Jan 22, 2007
I know some of you aren't too keen on LLFS, but I stopped by today and Rod really impressed me. I mentioned that I've been having trouble finding Coq de Leon Whiting Tailing Packs. Without missing a beat he phoned Whiting, ordered the color I wanted and one of each of their other colors.

Also, they have more stuff in there than I realized. They have a great selection of 100's, including the discontinued smaller sizes.
Not bad. I'll have to give them a second shot.
I was there twice over the 4th weekend, got good, friendly info from Rod and the other guys that hang out there. Watch one guy tie some crane flys and he gave me pointers on the materials and process.
Most of the guys speak 'coal cracker ease' and I like that 'cause it remindes me of my dad.
His web site is usually timely and accurate, that saves me a lot of time.
Due think the prices for his flys are high but the guy has to make a living.
Never can tell with Rod. One day nicest guy you could meet. Next day gruff old coot. I always start out with a simple question or statement and see where it goes. If it's a good day I'll continue the discusion. If it's a bad day don't ask about fishing conditions beyond the FF section.
Maybe with his daily stream reports he could post a general summary of his mood so sensitive fly anglers can decide whether to patronize his shop or go elsewhere ... just a suggestion is all.
If you've never seen his shop it's interesting since it's a 250 year old spring house about 20 feet from the creek. The floor is about 12 inches above the creek level and in the corner is the spring with a few trout that swam in. That section of the LL is a no wade zone so some years Rod wears the waders more to get his material out during floods than anything else. I think two years ago he was flooded five or six times. The place is always damp but has character. It's worth a look if you get by.
Rod has been working on his customer service skills lately he added fly tying nights on tuesdays and a commitee thats meets to protect stream access so I guess things are on the up and up for him :-D
I have had good and bad experiences with him. Mostly bad He can go bleep himself as far as I am concerned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Besides kathy Beck said he is a great fly tier but doesn't know what to do with them. When I was a kid he was absolutely rude to me. Imagine your kid inquiring about flyfishing and some guy making him feel would you feel????????
Sorry Mods, I really am!!!!!!!!

I'll help a kid any chance I get!!!!!
As anyone can see by my avatar, I'm a LLFS customer/friend. I've known Rod for a long time, and while we've had our differences, we remain friends to this day. He can be ornery at times, and I know why. I probably shouldn't post this, but what the heck, I can run faster than him. :-D

The moodiness Rod sometimes displays is due to several factors, not the least of which is the fact that he is a diabetic. I also have this disease, and if you think it's easy to deal with, think again. I have my glucose levels pretty much under control, but it takes a fortune in medication, testing supplies, careful diet restrictions, and more time than I want to admit to do it. I also have excellent medical coverage and a prescription plan through my employer. There are still times when I struggle to control my blood sugar, and I've been told I'm a real bear to be around when this occurs. I'm not aware that I'm really grumpy when this happens either. My friends, family, and co-workers have learned to give me a wide berth at those times. Rod has no health plan from an employer - he's self employed. All those doctor visits, blood tests, testing supplies, and medication cost a mint! I don't know how he does it, quite frankly. He's definitely not getting rich running that shop. The fact that he's the sole survivor in this game here in the Lehigh Valley speaks volumes about his tenacity. While every other fly shop packed it in with Cabela's just a half hour away, Rod is still hanging in there. That's gotta be worth cutting him a little slack!

To anyone that enjoys bashing Rod, keep these things in mind. His original reason for opening that shop were to provide a place where anglers could get the little things we so often run out of while fishing, and he's done that for over 20 years now. If you make the effort to earn his friendship, I will tell you that he'd do anything to help you, and would give you the shirt off his back. I've seen him do plenty of nice things to help kids, and he's probably given kids more stuff for free than any of us will ever have in the way of fly fishing stuff. He cares more about this sport than people realize, and he's involved in several programs to benefit fly fishing in the valley and beyond.

If you want to believe Kathy Beck, that's your right. At least Rod isn't a member of the Spring Ridge Club like the Beck's are! Don't even mention SRC in the shop - it's a sure fire way to torque Rod up big time. And Rod knows EXACTLY what to do with the flies he ties - I've fished with him plenty, and he's a great fisherman. Gary Borger is a very good friend of his and considers Rod one of his peers. Rod has forgotten more about fly fishing than the Beck's will ever know. And he'll never be a Donny Beaver "sellout celebrity".
JustFish wrote:
Besides kathy Beck said he is a great fly tier but doesn't know what to do with them.

If the Beck's say he can't take a good picture, I would believe them. Now, I think there pictures are nice, but they seem like a couple of yuppies who know how to take pictures with expensive cameras and also happen to flyfish. For them to say someone can tie, but can't fish, tish tish :lol: That's funny!! Wonder how many of those "Glory Shots" you see of them are actually taken on PUBLIC WATER???

As for the LL Shop, I never been there and when I'm out that way I will stop and buy something. I 've had bad experiences at FFP, but still shop there. I'll give my $$ to the little guy when I can. Cause when he's gone, weather you agree with him or not, you will miss the shop and all that goes along with it. When I started flyfishing and tying a mere 8 years ago, there where at least ten shops within a hours drive from my house. Now there is TWO!!

I don't know anything about the LL Fly Shop or Rod, but I don't know how the Becks got dragged into this! They might be currently unpopular because of their involvement with the SRC, but don't doubt their fly fishing ability or willingness to help promote the sport. Please understand that I don't support the SRC, but referring to the Becks as yuppies who can only take pictures is very far from the truth.

Barry Beck was incredibly helpful to me as a kid learning to tie flies and fish. He was always cordial and helpful when I visited his small shop in Berwick. That shop and his humble beginnings don't deserve the slamming they have received in the previous postings. I have never seen him respond to any other flyfisher in an unprofessional manner, which seems to be better than the person described here who owns the LL shop.

When I was a teenager, Barry taught fly tying classes to all comers for a very low price at the Benton Town Hall. I remember him filling the room and giving away the materials necessary to tie dozens of flies. That was out of his love for the craft and his desire to share his talents. Doesn't sound like an untalented "yuppie" to me.

I don't fish with them and only see them at an occasional show, but in spite of their involvement with the SRC, Barry and Cathy Beck have done wonderful things for our sport.
Who said anything about "untalented" or not knowing how to fish??

OK, maybe "yuppie" was a bit harsh. Should have said High-priced Fish Pornographers who also happen to flyfish. :-D :lol:

I haven't had a lot of good experiences at the LL fly shop. I have talked with Rod a few times, and while I disagree with some of his FF notions (like promoting the use of 8, 9 , 10, 11, and 12x tippet!) I know him to be an expert fly fisherman, and apparently a good guy. Next time I fish the LL, I'll stop in the shop and buy something from Rod.

I too grew in NE PA and I've known the Beck's from their humble beginnings, when they owned Beckies fly shop in Berwick. I was a kid starting out, and they did a lot to help me out. I also shopped at their store when they moved to Benton. I don't agree with everything they do or say, but I agree they have done some good things for some people and for the sport in general.

You didn't say anything about untalented, but Heritage Angler made a comment about Rod forgetting more about fly fishing than the Becks will ever know. I don't mean to disrespect anyone in this forum, but I highly doubt it. I do a lot of reading in our field. I can honestly say that I have heard very little of Rod and his fishing prowess. If he is good, and I'm sure he is better than me, he shares it with a small group of people. On the other hand, check the literature and fly fishing shows for fishing information available from the Becks. You will find quite a bit available.

If Cathy made that comment about Rod, she was out of line. We shouldn't defend someone by attacking someone else. That goes for both sides.

By the way, Barry Beck's start in the business was in a small corner of his parent's gas station / tackle shop in a town without a good trout stream within 15 miles. He has turned his business into a widely known fly fishing, which also happens to be a photography, business :). He and his wife get to travel the world fishing and taking pictures, while making a living at it. In other businesses, wouldn't those accomplishments be revered? Not to be a smart aleck, but I can't help myself - maybe Rod from LL Fly Shop should take some lessons from the Becks!
Well shultzy, whether or not Rod has forgotten more than the Becks will ever know isn't nearly as important as what the Becks have forgotten - and that is their responsibility to the people that have supported them along the way. I know the Becks as well. Before the whole SRC "mess", I would have wholeheartedly defended them and their numerous accomplishments and contributions to the world of fly fishing. All those overwhelmingly positive things ARE outweighed by what they have done and are CONTINUING to do now. Their membership and endorsement of the SRC are an abomination to the fishing public of this Commonwealth. The Becks continue to support that operation, which means they have no qualms about shafting you for the almighty dollar. Yeah, that's a wonderful lesson they're handing out.

I originally posted to this thread to explain what I know about the owner of the LLFS to the people questioning why he acts the way he sometimes does. I never intended to start bashing the Becks, but this has gone off on an unexpected tangent. Bottom line, everyone is held accountable for their actions. Rod is being held accountable for his actions as he should. His illness or the pressures of hanging on to a not so profitable business in this economy are ultimately no excuse for his lapses in congeniality. Just as the Becks, and all the other fly fishing "celebrities" that are members of the Spring Ridge Club and lend their endorsement and support to that organization should be held accountable as well. These people have enjoyed the support and faith of the flyfishing public, and they've turned their backs on us while smiling and continuing to profit from us.
One thing I have to add to my "Becks" knowledge. They were one of the first shops that I knew of, at least in the East, to start a guiding operation and to lease and/or buy land along the stream (Fishing Creek in Columbia County) and posted it agianst trespassing. They guided customers on these private stretches. As a matter of fact, I believe they have leased or sold some of these lands to the SRC for their dastardly use.

As far as the Barry and Cathy vs. Rod with respect to which has the greatest fly-fishing knowledge, who knows or cares. But I bet my Dad can beat up your Dad! He's in his seventies now, but he's still pretty tough.

The one thing that I don't understand is why any professional in the sport of FF, selling their wares, would support the SRC. While there are wealthy individuals in the sport that would join the SRC or like clubs, the vast majority of FF are middle classed guys (and gals). From a pure marketing standpoint, if I were the Becks, or Lefty or any other pro fisherman, I would run the other way the SRC approaches. And from a the moral standpoint, no contest, thumbs down on the SRC.
I did not mean to misdirect this thread, but if you’ll look through the posts, you’ll see that I am not the poster who dragged the Becks into the discussion about the quality of someone else’s fly shop.

I am well aware of the Becks’ history of posting land. It was never a popular action in my home area and I never agreed with it. However, this is America and just as we are allowed to disagree with the actions of the SRC, they are allowed to post waters that aren’t navigable.

Take a look at the LL shop website. At the bottom of the home page is a link to the Mid Atlantic article about the Little Lehigh. Now, take a look at who wrote the article. That’s funny! You’ll also notice that the article is full of respectful comments about the shop. Enough said?

Please don’t be offended by any of my opinions here. You’ll notice that I seldom argue in this forum. I guess something hit a nerve. I think I need to go fishing. I haven’t had time to get out in over three weeks. I’m having withdrawal symptoms.

Hey, afish. I don’t know your dad, but my 78 year old dad still works out at the local gym every morning. Could be a good match! :-D
H-A; thanks for pointing out the situation with Rod. I hadn't considered that possibility. I've thought about attending one of the stream access meetings. He still has the June date posted. Any idea if there is another meeting planned? Forget about the "who knows more than who" argument. Anyone who provides some leadership in addressing stream access should get a lot of credit.
Nice article Shultzy. I've never noticed it before.
I guess those dastardly SRC profit grubbing supporters can come in handy when you need a reference to improve your own profits.

Our world is full of double standards. You've got to love the internet - it provides access to all kinds of necessary information for arguments. Maybe that's why no one should bash anyone in a public forum (or private , for that matter).

My participation in this discussion is now over. Its time to move on.