Please delete



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
For all those who sell things here, in exchange for the courtesy of a market, why not comply with the reasonable request that you specify your consent to have a completed thread removed from the forum by posting FIRST and FOREMOST the words "please delete?"

Anything else is ambiguous. What does "sold" mean, or "sold pending payment?" Does that mean someone agreed to buy, but the sale is not complete? If so, we don't want to delete because the sale may fall through and we don't want to force you to re-post and also lose all comments and questions.

So, to be as clear as possible:

If you enjoy the privilege of selling things here please return when the sale is consummated and begin your final post with the words "Please Delete."

Sorry to be cranky on this issue, but it really wastes a lot of time for me or other moderators to figure out whether the thread has become obsolete when sellers are not purposely clear about this.
Thanks for the recent sellers who followed this request. It makes it so much easier to keep relevant threads at the top if folks follow this simply request. Thanks for all who do comply. You are good citizens of this board. If you don't or haven't followed this request, don't be offended, just do it soon.
Incidentally, the reason I ask that the words "please delete" be first is that I can hover my mouse over a thread and know immediately that it is worth the time to go through the delete process. Thanks again those who have been helping. If your prior thread is 3 or 4 pages down there is no need to revive it for purposes of deletion as that would just result in a bump of an irrelevant thread that would have to await a moderator response to remove it.

So take this request to apply to anything on the first few pages only.
Bump. Thanks to all who comply.