Look I got Wings to stand up straight thank you MKERN & Afishanado.(hopefully a fish knocks them down or completly off.)
I got bit by the Ice Dub Bug as you can see in the next two pictures.
Jerseygeorge, I gave the wire rib on a bugger a try (You can Zoom in if you like, its in the Third picture with all the flies from the last week or so.) I don't like the way it knocks down the Hackle Fibers, as you said, i will give it a couple more tries, ya said with practice it will not.
I wish i was a 12 year old indoneaisan kid. I bet I could get a job in a sweat shop for a chain store tying flies for 18 cents an hour. I would not mind it one bit, tying flies 5 days a week for 40 hours. Its kinda like what i was trained and educated to do with "chef-ing it up". Kinda like Cookies or Bruchetta or Creme brulee, without the stress & presure or 20 Pizza's at the same time before the customer waits too long. Or, lubing up at 5 o'clock on a weekend and bending over, because you have no idea what will happen or what to do.
Than there is the whole math thing, Say you make 2 Gallons of soup, no pressure, and it takes you 1 hours.
Now the math part:
128 oz. in gallon=256 oz of soup.
1 hours=$10.
Your employer gets $ 7.00 for a 6 oz. bowl.
Thats 42.67 bowls of soup, minus waste and pilfrig
Say 35 bowls.
Minus your labor $10
Minus products and water used
Hell Sub-tract the amount for the little lady that brings it too the table and the gas used to make it. And the 20 sec. to wash the bowls and Pot.
Don't even get me started on the Catering/Wedding cake/Pizza/Chain Resturaunt, "math thing skam."
Hay America ! Wanna save money and energy, tell Lowe's, Home Depot, Sears, Best Buy all of them Coast too Coast stores, "SHUT YOUR SH&T OFF" even one day a week. There is no reason For the Refrigerators, Freezer, Lights, Ceiling Fans to be on all day.
There is nothing to keep cold in those freezers and Refrigerators, Shut'um Off. No Crappie there cold. AAAAAAAAAAA thats what there meant to do, Now,
Shut'um OfF.
Hay guess what every Ceiling fan spins the same. Now, shut them Off. Clockwise in the summer, Counter clockwise in the winter, now, shut them off, so you can hire me to fill your shelves.
I'm just ranting sorry i'm venting to you guys. But if something don't happen soon i'm gunna have to go back to the F*&%ing kitchen I Have been in different ones since 1996 and sick of it.
They say "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" Well i'm trying.
I would probaly get whipped, though by the slave drivers because tying "don't happen" without a radio & probly in those dirt floor places next too where they make sneakers, next to where they grow the DNA altered chickens with 14 wings and 30 legs to fry, they don't concur with a radio.
"I SORRY" I went off topic.