Pipeline Monitoring training 3/18



Mar 29, 2007
Pennsylvania Pipeline Construction Monitoring Program Training
Open to anyone wishing to attend.
Trout Unlimited (TU) has established a program to train volunteers to monitor water resources that may be impacted by natural gas pipeline development. Focusing on potential erosion and sedimentation impacts, the goal of this workshop is to train volunteers to effectively monitor water quality on high priority streams along proposed pipeline routes before, during, and after pipeline construction. The Pennsylvania Pipeline Construction Monitoring Program is an objective data collection effort and does not engage in advocacy-related activities.
Trout Unlimited’s (TU) Pennsylvania Construction Pipeline Monitoring Program is a partnership between TU and the Pennsylvania Council of TU. The program is made possible by funding from the Cedar Tree Foundation.
Date: Saturday March 18, 2017 Time: 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Location: Palmerton, PA

The primary goal of this training is to establish water monitoring efforts along the proposed Penn East Pipeline route in Luzerne, Carbon, Northampton and Bucks County.

Please register for the training by contacting Jake Lemon at 814-779-3965 or jlemon@tu.org.

Please provide your name, email address, phone number and mailing address. Registration will close on Wednesday March 15, 2017. Directions to the training session and an agenda will be provided the week of the training.