pink squirrel for hendricksons?



Well-known member
Oct 7, 2007
what is your favorite hendrickson? preferably wet.

anybody just use a pink squirrel?

anybody use a hendrickson wet with no wing?

i believe we can get a good hatch this year.
Elizabeth Hendrickson.

And yes, preferably wet.
I had to look that up,but good one !

I guess nobody fishes the Hendrickson hatch ?
I have tried using a pt soft hackle on a hendrickson hatch. It didn't get any love but nothing else did either.
PTSH is one of my go to flies for hendricksons .
these !


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Well yes we do fish the hendrickson hatch, but it's very early to be expecting to see the hatch at this point.
Hareline Hendrickson dubbing for the female, for the male I use a died quill.Males and females are different colors.
Well played duckfoot, made me laugh
Chaz wrote:
Well yes we do fish the hendrickson hatch, but it's very early to be expecting to see the hatch at this point.
Hareline Hendrickson dubbing for the female, for the male I use a died quill.Males and females are different colors.

Well it is early, but I have fished it for 2 weeks