Piney Creek Help!



Jun 2, 2017
Hello everyone, I need help from anyone who has fished Piney creek in Blair county. I stopped there one time this past year and really enjoyed the water there, however being my dumb self forgot to save the location in my phone. I can not find anything on that parking lot online and if anyone could help me out as to a specific place I can gps in that area I would be so grateful.

I was in a parking lot that had some signs about being approved fly fishing wild trout water on it. Right below the lot was a little bridge, and there was a camp on top of the hill across from the creek.

I know I'm not the only one that cabin fever has a firm grasp on, thank you and good luck in the new year!
google Grannas Station, Lower Trail. near Williamsburg. Its a small brushy stream that is really cold. Mosquitos are heavy in the summer.
Thank you! I really hope this is the place!