Pine Creek/Yellow Creek Trip



New member
Sep 3, 2013
Fished Pine Creek area and Yellow Creek in Bedford county last week. Pine was low, slow and very, very clear. Lot's of fish, but we had few takers. I rigged my two brothers up with different dry/dropper rigs, and myself with a third combo. Threw everything from midges to large caddis, slate drakes, beadheads and non-beadhead nymphs, floated nymphs in film...a few strikes and only a couple fish. Tried to do Slate Run, but it looked way too low to me, and my brothers did not want to hike down the mountain and back up (one had heart attack last year, so I give him a sprout). Bridge was out on Slate Run road, so it was a 27 mile ride on forest roads just to get to the upper section and Francis Branch.

But weather was beautiful and we got in some good casting practice.

Yellow Creek was better fishing. My little bro lives on Yellow Creek, and his section gets pounded by bait and spinner guys who keep all they catch. The fly fishing only area though, was a different story. Beautiful area, beautiful water, and fiesty fish! What a nice stretch of water, and good fishing. All in all, it was a great trip. Next time though, I am hiring a guide for Pine...obviously we were doing something wrong. Glenn
Hope you cleaned your waders to kill rock snot from Pine Creek before going to YC. I would hate to see didymo spread from PC to YC.

And from Florida too. Unlikely he knew the situation. Hope the bro did.