Pine Creek in October



New member
Sep 18, 2023
South Central PA
Old at fly fishing, new to the forum here. I am taking a trip to Pine Creek next month and I could use a little help on what to use. I guess more specifically, what size. I going with the standard wooly buggers, generally I will use size 8, but I'm not sure on bwos. Are 14s too big? Will tan caddis still be around? The biggest thing I'm wondering is how prolific the October caddis hatch is there. It's only a weekend trip so I'm keeping it to Little Pine and Big Pine between Slare Run and Cammal.
Thanks for asking, Surveyor.
I'm trying to make a trip to the same locations around the same time, and I'm only familiar with spring fishing on either of those creeks. (We stay at a camp on "the township road" in Cammal when we're there.)
I planned on just asking at the Slate Run Store or checking the website before we go.
Dear Surveyor,

Depending on when you go you might get there when the Sportsman's Association stocks the Big Pine. If that's the case the fish won't be fussy. Even if they haven't stocked yet I've always managed to get fish on size 14 and 16 Humpies and Stimulators if they are in the mood to rise in the Fall. The biggest issue usually is the amount of leaves in the water and getting a decent drift because of them.

Have fun!


Tim Murphy :)
... I just remembered that we found Little Pine to be a nearly dry ditch in early June this year. I don't know what shape it's in now. When we were there, we saw nothing besides barely wet rocks in the streambed from the gun range up to Carsontown Trail parking. We didn't even get out of the vehicle and went back to the big creek stretch below Slate Run.

If one asks nicely, someone at may be able to help.
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I was there in late October last year and there wasn't much hatching on Pine. Didn't see Little Pine, but the times I've seen it it didn't look good to me. Had a hatch of BWOs on Slate one day. Approx size 18. Caught a few and missed a couple on dries. Did better nymphing. I don't remember actually fishing Pine. But based on the water level (low) I would think a dry-dropper would have been the best bet. (small stimulator and small beadhead)
Most fish are pretty willing to hit as there are a lot of freshly stocked fish that time of year. Slate run shop does not steer you wrong. Always got good info. Last year did well with ants believe it or not. Little pine probably will have more concentrated fish than big pine
Unless you are fishing 7pm - 10pm, won't see many October caddis. They are all but nocturnal. The smaller sedge / cinnamon caddis comes off in the last 90 minutes of daylight.
Supposedly, there are still slate drakes right now among the usual BWOs and terrestrials. We'll plan on trying the various caddis early and late.
I’ll be up there next week and will report back what I see. Last fall, I ran into a heavy mid morning hatch of small 18-20 gray caddis. Tied a bunch of #20 gray sparkle pupa and emergers this morning.
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right now the first of the 2 october caddis 10 are coming off along with a few dark green drakes 8, bwo's 18,and slate drakes (greyish) 12
Great, thanks...I'm heading the right way with my flies at least. The insect diversity up there is enormous.
Sitting in my Adirondack chair in Slate Run watching a good Cahill hatch. Trout, mostly small, are putting on a show. Looks like a SeaWorld show in miniature. My plan on Pine this year has been to ignore rising trout and stay subsurface. That has more than paid off this week with the Walt’s worm in the morning an Iso soft hackle in the evening.
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Sitting in my Adirondack chair in Slate Run watching a good Cahill hatch. Trout, mostly small, are putting on a show. Looks like a SeaWorld show in miniature. My plan on Pine this year has been to ignore rising trout and stay subsurface. That has more than paid off this week with the Walt’s worm in the morning an Iso soft hackle in
That first part sounds like it would benefit me and my health greatly, can't wait to give it a go in a few weeks. I didn't realize the state is stocking next week. I got soft hackles made up and plenty of wooly bugs.
I just spent a few days out in Cedar Run, I didn’t fish but rode my bike down thru the canyon, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen more guys fishing. There were decent caddis, some olives and some yellowish bodied, silver winged un-ID’d spinners in 18’s around in the evenings. I did see a few rods bent and some sporadic rises everyplace I stopped along the creek. I also should have mentioned it was low and clear.