pictures from computer



Apr 18, 2013
I am trying to upload pictures from my computer on a post. I select the file from the computer and click upload but then nothing happens. I just shows no file selected. I dont want to submit the post if the picture isn't going to be there. How do I know if the picture is being uploaded.
You will know because it shows up in the post. :p

Seriously....the reason likely is because you exceed the 150k limit on uploading pics to posts. If you can;t downsize them, maybe put them on a hosting site and link/embed from there.
After you hit "upload" the file name will appear just above the buttons for quote preview submit cancel. If the filename isn't appearing, then it was rejected for the reason Maurice explained. The limit now appears to be 250K.
figured it out thanks. The pictures were too big. I had to resize them using paint.
Another problem solved by the courteous staff at PAFF :cool: