Pics of flies I tied for Streamer Swap

Don't sweat it man. If he wasn't so set on being a pest and really wanted to help you he'd have mentioned that the fly in the back could actually use some more wraps. I think they look fine.

As someone else said, they are genetically inept fish. Retards basically, right? :roll:
I"m not an expert either but they look fine to me...............I'm surprised the "expert" didn't suggest maybe painting or gluing an eyeball on that one outfront , but then since he doesn't want to help you he won't give you that "friendly" advice.....which i hope this is what you take this for cause that's what it is...........otherwise they will work just fine bro.
Spyder20oz wrote:
Ernie... are you new to tying? The heads on those flies look horrible. Make about 50 less wraps and you will be good

In the 2 years I've been on this site, you are one of the biggest jerk offs I have seen... and I am hesitant to say this because I usually don't tell people off. Instead of ripping Ernie, who has plainly said in many posts that he is very new to fly fishing and tying, maybe you could write a post on how he could fix this, or why the head should be smaller, instead of bashing him for it. I mean that's what this site is all about. If you don't want to contribute to the success of this site, then go make your own site and talk to yourself on it.... the above website might help you find your alter ego to have a conversation with.


Your flies look great. I've always been pretty sloppy with my streamers... they get torn up pretty easily and I figure that the looks aren't that important. Looking at my streamer box, it's a rarity that any of mine are exactly the same, with exception to buggers and a few favorites. Your flies are great and look better than most of mine. I am not a big streamer guy on trout, but for bass I use them al ot. I use a heavy thread to secure the hair as best as possible, and my heads are slightly smaller than yours, but not by much. Keep posting stuff like that on here and hopefully you'll get more good advice than not.

Now go catch something with them!

thanks ry: I definitly think that the art of tying the streamer is not as exact as the art of the nymph or certainly the art of tying the dry fly... When I am tying, I am trying to tell myself that it is going to look totally different in the water and kind of take my mind off "what it looks like right now" and start thinking about what the trout are going to be looking for (food, obviously) and what I am trying to imitate

learning one day at a time, but its fun as hell
ERN........Butler isn't that far from Johnstown, i have a little shop in my basement , you are welcome to come here anytime and i'll try and help you with anything i can. In all my years of doin this the only time i remember making fun of anyone about anything fly fishing related was when my best friend, who was learning to cast, managed somehow to get a wind knot about 15 feet up his line, not his leader his line are a great diplomat for our sport by not gettin mad, i hope you catch a bunch on those streamers , i hope the "expert " catches a cold.
osprey: a diplomat, I am not! haha -- it doesnt really bother me -- I dont really let a lurker on an internet message board get under my skin, I just love to come here and talk about fishing, (and hockey, haha) - I dont really pay those kind of people much mind.

Anyway - I would definitly love to come and tie with you sometime - I have been tying a lot and am really get the hang of it (can tie a pretty good hares ear now :) ) , I still definitely need some work with the dries/hackle though