


New member
Jul 16, 2010
My neighbor has been getting alot of pickeral lately,and would like to give them a try. What equipment do you recomend, do i need a higher weight rod? leader/tippet? included a picture of thier average size. Photo credit to Sam
Also is white river equipment a good brand?


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masteroffish wrote:
My neighbor has been getting alot of pickeral lately,and would like to give them a try. What equipment do you recomend, do i need a higher weight rod? leader/tippet? included a picture of thier average size. Photo credit to Sam
Also is white river equipment a good brand?


I'm not sure what weight(s) rod you own, but a 6 or 7wt rod should work just fine in any lake or pond for pickerel. I wouldn't go out and buy a rod if you don't have a 6 or 7, a 5wt is a little light and an 8wt is a little heavy, but either will work. Also a 7.5 to 9' leader with an 0x - 2x tippet leader should work.

If you do use a lighter rod (5 or 6wt) use slightly smaller flies because the rod weight is more important for casting the size of the fly rather than fighting the size of the fish.

Medium sized bass flies, streamers, poppers should work well for pickerel. Fish the shallow, weedy, woody areas for both bass and picks...good luck! Post a report.
good info from afish.

My experience is to strip you fly very quickly.
Any bass fly's or streamer pattern will work. Rod of choice is a 6wt, I like bigger flies. They are aggressive little guys.
I've caught pickerel on my 4 weight rod, using dry flies. But you have to know where they are to be able to catch them.
I've been having good luck with san juan worms on my 3/4wt.
fishing a lake one day for largemouths, i stood on a rock and tossed buggers out over variosu directions.

at one point, the sun went behind the clouds, and every single cast was rewarded with a pickeral slamming the fly from a weedbed. every time. sun came out, bang they were gone and never saw another for the day.

it was a weird 10 minutes of nonstop pick action.
Guys it's pickerel, there is no such thing as a pickeral.
Chaz, I think we ALL knew what he meant.