Photos on IPhone

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Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Why do pictures taken on an IPhone, and then rotated to proper orientation, revert back to improper orientation when posted, and then viewed in a thread with an IPhone? When I view the same thread on my PC, they are in the correct orientation. Anything I can do to prevent that? I suspect user error, and not an actual software problem with the site here. Thanks guys.

Look at my CO Trip report thread, or a recent post I made in the Heavy Rain thread for reference.
I have had this same issue, although I’ve kind of stopped putting the extra effort required to post pictures to directly to the forum.

IMO the only shortcoming of this forum is the integration of photos via post 90’s methods. I understand that servers/storage could be an issue but I really do think that improvements to the way that photos can be posted would make a lot of members really happy.

I know this doesn’t help you at all swattie, but I wanted to express a supporting argument - Photo integration via commonly used methods these days would greatly improve the user experience.
It is a consideration to change out the forum. One of the big issues I'll have to deal with is not likely being able to port over all the old posts and user login info. This CMS platform will not do that, there is a high probability we will have to leave everything behind to go forward.
Ok whoa! So more interesting is how in tarnation do ya get an Iphone pic sized down enough to post here...nevermind the rotation.
Maurice wrote:
Ok whoa! So more interesting is how in tarnation do ya get an Iphone pic sized down enough to post here...nevermind the rotation.

Paint. I typically use it to size them down to about 15% of the original.
Its been a while since I posted a photo but I just resized them via picture manager and then uploaded to IMGUR. Then post.


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