Well-known member
When I try to tie a larger PT nymph I often run out of tail fiber before I get to the thorax. Am I using poor quality PT?
10-12What size hook?
If you really need it to be a traditional PT, be very selective about what feathers you buy. You want the biggest, best looking tail feathers. You may have to sort through quite a few to find what you need. The feathers will also have a sweet spot where the fibers are the right length, color, texture, etc to complete a good looking fly in those sizes. You should be able to do #12 with a good feather, #10 will probably be tricky. Tie the fibers in by the very tip, use an adequate number of fibers, and uses hackle pliers to grab the very end of the fibers when wrapping so that you get the most out of the fiber length. Do not try to tie tails, wingcases, and legs from the same fibers as the body. Use separate bundles for each part of the fly. Even then it will be tough to make a #10, especially if you are using a 1x long nymph hook.10-12
Not at all...I use a size 12 90% of time. Its usually my heavy nymph to get me down. I'll have some smaller fly often tied on above it but a size 12 PT is on my line the vast majority of the time at all times of the year! I'm really picky with what feathers I use to tie my phesant tails. The longer the feathers with thicker barbs (or whatever you call them) the better.Kind of big for Pheasant Tails!
Not really.Kind of big for Pheasant Tails!