Pflueger Medalist Questions



Feb 15, 2010
I recently received a Medalist 1494 that was made in Akron. It’s in pretty good shape, but could use a cleaning and some lube. I also want to re-line it with a WF 5 wt. floating line.
1. What is the best way to clean and lube these reels?
2. What kind of lube do I use and where do I apply it.
3. How much backing should I put on with a WF 5 wt. line?
Any other info you guys think would be helpful would also be appreciated. Thanks for the help!
Old reels i clean like this. I take old line and backing off. Take reel apart and spray everything with choke cleaner or a good shot gun cleaner spray if reel is metal. Wipe the reel down good and let dry. Next i wipe it again. I only wash the reel this way if there is alot of old greas and dirt in it. If it's clean i wash it in soapy water and let dry. Greas reel a little goe's a long way, some on gears, some on spindle. New line and backing, Put line on first then backing till it's at a safe hight on reel. Then take it off and reverse procedure but using knots backing to reel line to backing.Hope this works.Good luck.
Dear boychick,

As far as the backing goes Hunter's suggestion of putting the line on first and then the backing is a good idea.

Just to give you an idea of the backing capacity though you can figure that about 50 yards of 20# Cortland Micron and a WF5 will fill a 1494. The actual capacity will depend on the WF5 line you use, some are 82' some are 90' and most are not uniformly consistent in diameter throughout their taper, ie. the shape of the taper and it's diameter will vary from brand to brand.

Many of the more modern lines are thicker in the head section. I like to use Cortland 444 Classics and Sylks on my Pfluegers. If you spooled it with a WF5 Sylk you can probably get 100 yards of 20# test Micron on the reel as Sylk lines are much thinner than modern lines.

Hope this helps.


Tim Murphy :)
On my 1494 AkronO. with a wf5, my backing is filled exactly between the small and large vent ports on the spool.
Well, maybe a tad closer to the larger port.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help. Gfen, those links were great! This will be next weekends project.