PFBC wasting $65,500 on erosion control/rebuilding/upgrading a potter county coop hatchery in the name of stocked invasive species.

Buying wild trout stamp, musky stamp, etc = $$ diverted to failing pension fund. Won't get me to believe otherwise. Too many hands out for slices of the pie
I don’t think thats happening or at least have not seen evidence. I would annually donate a lot more than the wild trout stamp to fund PA fish and boat staff to switch from hatchery work, stocking work, and things associated with the hatchery/stocking program to working with purely species of greatest conservation need.

Recovering americas wild life act is a projected annual apportionment to PFBC of over 10 million dollars on a recurring basis. That money is for species of greatest conservation need and could fund such a shift in personnel.

I imagine if PFBC staff had the choice considering why they got into the field and got a degree for, I think they would pick managing hellbenders, brook trout, checkered sculpins, and eastern sand darter rather than squeezing the sperm out of a palamino for next years batch of mutant “family fun” in a dark musty hatchery shed.
How about the PFBC gives me $65,000 to buy a new Nissan Z. I'll use it to run over the brown trout @Fish Sticks and I catch.
Lol how about instead we just use that 65,000 to pay for a string of comical billboards on 81, 76, 99, 180, 322, and 476 educating public non angling stake holders on the fisheries management failures of the PFBC. I looked into it $30 daily for one of Lamars advertising billboards, wife would not let me purchase a month on the turnpike near PFBC HQ in harrisburg, gotta watch the prices see if they go down or start a go fund me. 65k could get me a few.
Someone did some interesting quick math on the 65k being wasted on this hatchery and sent me this

Large Woody Debris Stream Restoration
2023 Volunteer Hourly Rate
Crew Size
Hours Per Mile (Vermont FWS)
Total Cost Per Mile
Miles of Restoration for $65,500

PFBC Electrofishing Survey @ $2,500 per site

Remove Perched Culvert (no replacement)
$13,000 (USDA)

So for $65,500, you could do 36 miles of LWD restoration, 26 unassisted waters surveys, or remove 5 perched culverts.
How about the PFBC gives me $65,000 to buy a new Nissan Z. I'll use it to run over the brown trout @Fish Sticks and I catch.
I'm going to guess you'd have this on the front bumper of your Z

Very close to $50 now:
My license fee 2023 $47.93.
For a Resident adult license $25.47 with a Combination Trout Lake Erie permit $18.47, and an additional $2.00 issuing fee.
Very close to $50 now:
$47.93 for a Resident adult license $25.47 with a Combination Trout Lake Erie permit $18.47, and an additional $2.00 issuing fee.
this business report by PSU I mentioned was done in July 2017

Your right for a rural mom and dad to enjoy a day of fishing with a high school senior thats some serious cash
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$600 for 3 tickets to the Bills game this weekend.
Probably $200-300 for food for the week.
When the economy is poor probably more fish are kept for dinner wild or stocked it does not matter.
$600 for 3 tickets to the Bills game this weekend.
Dang, wanted to see my birds play in person against the giants but spent my budgeted fun money on fly tying stuff for the month. Will have to get a bunch of food and watch at home. Will be a busy evening have the premier of Ross Purnell’s new film “Over the Gaurd Rail” at Troeggs then home to catch start of the game this sat. Shaping up to be good weekend