PFBC receiving Marcellus royalties?

I think it was jdaddy that summed up a talk given by pfbc.
drilling bad. unless getting money from drilling, then good.
that pretty much sums up the entire industry.
salmonoid wrote:

PDF from John Arway here

Seems that if we can't beat them, we might as well take royalties from them?

I think it was inevitable but a very tough and carefully considered decision not reached lightly by Mr. Arway and the BOC. It does allow them to have a bit better oversight and control of terms by entering into a lease. Operation costs continue to rise, more revenue needs to be generated for the PFBC from somewhere and without an approved license increase what can they do? The PGC has been bringing in revenue of this type, I'm pretty sure to an even larger degree.
I also recieved the following information in an e-mail alert from PA Forest Coalition:

In his most recent Straight Talk comments, PFBC Exec. Director John Arway explains the decision to allow development of the natural gas below Fish and Boat Commission lands.

The decision was not undertaken lightly. The drilling would occur on adjacent properties - with or without PFBC approval. The leases which were approved would be NON-developmental (no wells or well pads on PFBC property, similar to the PGC non-surface leases).

bikerfish wrote:
I think it was jdaddy that summed up a talk given by pfbc.
drilling bad. unless getting money from drilling, then good.
that pretty much sums up the entire industry.
I agree 100%. Darn shame IMO. The mission of the PFBC is "Resource First". Now it's "Resource First unless we get bought off and make money"!
I hope they don't **** the money away on stocking and such nonsense. Buy more land (you know to drill) and preserve access.
They just proved that most people have a price, that just includes the PFBC... Is every body saying hooray for drilling.. Here's a couple bucks go and preserve that access,and to make every body happy, go stock that stream...
Dear Board,

All it proves is that they understand how mineral rights work in conjunction with directional drilling here in PA.

Your neighbor's land can be drilled upon and gas can be extracted from under your land without you getting a penny.

If that happened the same people that are accusing them of selling out would be crying that they were/are idiots for letting it happen.

Face it, the FA Fish & Boat Commission and the Game Commssion are both in the uneviable position of knowing that no matter what they do they will be wrong more than half the time.


Tim Murphy :)


Although PA has a right of first capture law, its more applicable to conventional drilling. It goes like this: if your neighbor drills a well and the reservoir extends under your property, he still has first right to produce it.

However, with horizontal drilling the reservoir has to be fracked to get much production. Since the fractures only extend about 150' from the well bore and there's a 300' set back requirement from a property line, its unlikely they can get anything from a neighboring property. If they drill under your property without permission (assuming you own the mineral rights) its trespassing. If they frac and produce from that well, its felony theft. The same as underground mining law.

But since there's already a drilling rig just 100 yard from the property, why not allow them to drill underneath and take the money? It would be like refusing free city water because you're against fluoridation.

Dear gone,

My mistake, thanks for clearing that up.

I think I was confused by NY State laws which led folks to the pool their land in large blocks to lease to the gas companies.

Like you said, if they are going to drill on a property adjacent to Fish Commission property it would be sort of foolish to not accept royalties. It's not as if the drilling can be prevented.


Tim Murphy :)
Where's the riots,where's the protest,you guys are supposed to be jumping and down, some thing might get into a stream.Do as I say not as I do. Where's the epa, where's trout unlimited,chain you're self to a drilling rig. Funny how the dollar changes the mind and some morals. Obama accepted what 20 or 30 billion from B.P. You guys are great.
tig, do you pay attention? TU is very active in all of this, currently getting baseline readings for as many streams as possible so they can be monitored as drilling takes place. the EPA is now involved due to public outcry of corbett putting his cronies in charge at dep.
just because we are concerned with drilling, that doesn't make all of us obama loving liberals. quit trying to run over smart cars with your diesel truck and start learning a few things before jumping all over people for actually caring about the welfare of our state. where do you fish? do you actually fish? do you care about the places you fish? do you care if there are any wild trout left in our state? do you enjoy the forests? hunt, fish, hike, whatever? if so, would you still like to do those things 20 or 30 years from now? do you like to drink clean water, without having to worry if it will kill you?
quit being ignorant to the problems, do the research, open your mind and see all sides of the issue. we're not a bunch of tree hugging vegans here. but we ARE concerned over OUR future. I could give a rats *** about the gas companies future.
Don't feed the troll.
I was thinking that the entire time I was typing!LOL!
Nothing personal but this is great. Let's start with biker fish. I take it you have a bike, my guess a harley. You're harley runs off of gas so do you hate the evil gas and oil companys because they go hand in hand.So maybe you can get a helmet with a solar panel on it and have a electric harley, big market for them I bet..LOL..While on electric cars ask you're local fireman if he will cut you out of an electric car with the jaws of life after a wreck,He won't take a chance of getting into a voltage cable.Now the fish, you probaly have a nice new rod, IM8 or something, where do you thing that stuff come from a IM8 bush, or how about a IM7 tree. I contribute to PA. when I buy out of state license, you guys do stock some decent fish. Yes I do fish I'am up to about 100 or so my buddy is up to over 300.Yes I care about the places I fish and also how I'am going to get there. Can you say gasoline or diesel. Wild trout , how many did you catch last year? or did you fish for any? I live in a forest and yes I enjoy it. You need to start to look 2 years down the road instead of 20 or 30.
What do you heat you're house with? You might want to give a rats a-- about the gas companys. You probaly live in a city why don't you ask them what they treat you're water with, another chemical, OH NO. I'am glad to here you're not a bunch of tree huggers, just don't rub you're head on a rock..Don't feed the Troll, it's like welfare...
I ride bmws, I heat my house with gas that comes from a pipeline from tennesee. I live in a little town in the middle of nowhere, I have a well for drinking water that I do not want contaminated. I grow organic foods in my own garden to eat. I buy organic beef from a farmer friend of mine. I support my local economy as much as possible. I fish with bamboo and glass. I fish for wild trout every time I fish.
ya don't get it. this gas they are drilling is not staying in pa, it's not even staying in the usa. most of it is being shipped overseas to the highest bidder. we've got a surplus in this country right now, we don't need it. we are being sold out. so yes, I do like to look down the road 20 or 30 years. looking down the road 2 years got us the mess we have now, the strip mines that contaminate thousands of miles of streams that OUR tax dollars are now cleaning up. we need to learn from the past and do better for the future. everyday we hear more and more about children with birth defects, autism, cancer, etc. ya think all this might coincide with our chemical dependant society? gee, lets clean up the poluted water with more polution, yea, that will fix it. tell ya what, let's just limit the polution in the first place.
I've got nothing against drilling for gas, oil, whatever. BUT DO IT RIGHT FOR GODS SAKE!!! THIS IS OUR HOME.
edit, I meant to say I fish for wild trout almost every time I fish, I do go out for stockers sometimes in the evening after work, as well as smallies, bass, bluegills, perch, walleye.
maybe things are "ideal" up on the mountain where you live, but where we live, things aren't so good. brook trout, our very own native fish, is hanging on in a fraction of it's original territory. TU is doing a ton of work trying to expand that, and is keeping an eye on the gas industry so that work isn't erased overnight.
sounds like your not even from PA, but your trying to tell us how to deal with our issues. thanks for the advice.
most of it is being shipped overseas to the highest bidder

that is downright false. We gave the numbers in a thread a while back, but very little gas is exported, and of the gas that is exported, most of it is going to Canada and Mexico, very little is "shipped" as gas is primarily a pipeline business. It is next to impossible to track exactly where your gas comes from, you take it from a pipeline that includes gas from a dozen or more states, including PA.

But I agree with the rest (though slightly less militant about it). Stop looking 2 years ahead, look 20, 30, 50 years ahead.
I got 1 rising just like a trout.You ride a bmw you don't have to say no more.You heat you're house with GAS that comes from Tennessee, do you think Tennessee has the same complaint as you. Another do as I say not as I do. When you hook a wild trout do you hook it with a steel hook or bone and sinew? If you said steel we have to mine that and that takes coal, electric, diesel fuel,gas. Now looking back I think we were better off 2 years ago than we are now.
You fish with bamboo and glass, quit buying fly line cause it might come from a chemical and we know how you hate chemicals. Get some sinew for line and bone for a hook.... Maybe you can get 4 lb test sinew..Don't use synthetics for fly tying cause guess what.