PFBC Meeting for April 20-21 at Seven Springs

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The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) will hold its spring quarterly meeting on April 20-21 at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Champion, Pa.

Commission committees will meet beginning at 8 a.m. on Monday, April 20, and again at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, April 21. Formal consideration of the agenda by the full Commission will begin at approximately 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21. All committee meetings and the review of the agenda are open to the public and attendance is encouraged.
Great review Dave. Just last weekend I got my new pair of the STL Plus boots. I had the old felt sole STL's for over 2 years and loved them. I think I'm going to like these even more. For me, Chota's are the most comfortable boots out there. I've tried boots from several manufacturers and don't think they even come close to the Chota's. They really feel more like a good pair of hiking boots than wading boots.
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I really enjoy a comfortable wading boot.
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I'm on my second pair of Chotas and they are great.I had the soles come off the first pair and returned them for repair. Since they couldn't be repaired they were replaced for $68. I usually carry spare laces and there is a product that they recommend for treatment of the leather.Overall I,m happy with my Chotas. I'd like to try a pair of the new rubber soled ones with the studs.
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The company is Nik Wax, Aqueous wax is the product. :cool:
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I have to disagree with your assesment of the Chota wading shoes. Unless they have made some serious changes I found them to be the best designed (quick lace,light ,easy on and off ) and worst constructed shoes I have ever had. I have never had a pair of Chotas last 6 months without blowing up, that would be 4 pairs and counting, and I can think of 2 or 3 other guys I fish with who had the same result. I was even asked to test a pair for a local fly shop a couple of years ago, I told him I'd be back in 3 months with busted shoes. I was wrong it took 3 months and 1 week. Good shoes are worth the money and I'll stick with Simms and Patagonia from now on
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When I first bought my Chota Wading shoes, I thought they were the best thing since sliced bread. The traction that I had was very good, for a short time. I quickly learned that the studs were excellant when first installed. They would bite into the rocks. After a few days of use, however, the studs became rounded (as you would expect) and the shoes turned into ice skates. In certain types of rocky streams, they were downright dangerous. You need to keep fresh studs in the boots for them to function properly. I became tired of this after a few years and went with another brand with studs that are builtin and seem to last a lot longer.
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