PFBC is seeking applicantants fo education grants

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The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is encouraging local governments, community groups and sportsman’s clubs providing fishing, boating and water safety and aquatic resource education programs to apply for funding through the agency’s Education Grant Program.

Grantees can receive up to $5,000 from the PFBC. This funding can be applied to the purchase of equipment, materials and costs associated with field trips. Applications must be postmarked by January 30, 2010.

Please visit the PFBC website for more details.
had to think aboout this,,Guessing 40 or so day fishing..
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167 outings - 156 FF, 11 other, does not include 50+ days hunting. I do have a pretty good life!
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You guys that are over 61 days either:

a.) have grown kids
b.) have no kids
c.) are single with no commitments
d.) have a very tolerant significant other

I would love to have fished more than I did, but just couldn't find time. Now my wife has gotten into archery hunting, so that'll be cutting into my fishing time! :-(
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13 year old daughter and a wife. They are tolerant of my activities as I am of theirs. Works great in my house!
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I'm in the 31-60 category.

I got out a ton in the early spring and into the beginnig of summer, but drastically tapered off because of coaching and a pregnant wife, and then a baby.

I pretty much missed fall, which is my favorite time of the year.
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I can go every day if I want to. Plus I hunted from sept to jan. Its my job and I'm stickin to it...
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I've been out almost 200 times, I work full time 40-60 hrs week, but I have about 15 streams I can hit within a 10-15 min drive.
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I got a) and d) and next year hope to have e)=retired
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b. & d.

and I go for many short trips too.
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Being retired I can fish whenever I want to. The last two years haven't been able to get out alot, because of health reasons, Hpoe that will change this year!

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Fishing days in general, 70-80, but maybe a quarter of those outings were with the fly rod.
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Dont know exactly I cant keep track.
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I'm somewhere over 40 trips, which is probably double the amount I went FF compared to the last 5 years individually. I have made it a point to put fly fishing further up on my free time list, thanks to this site.

Because this site I am able to socialize with people who are also afflicted with the FF addiction in my localized area. And everybody learns something on this site, beginner and avid enthusiasts alike.

I may have blown off a possible trip or two with members on the site, however I did show up last spring at the Forks to sign up to TU with MO.

I should eventually make it to one of the jams, and will say that yes I have run into a member or two out on some streams by chance. I appreciate all of the efforts put into this site by all members and hosts. It's like Facebook or Myspace for FFishers. :-D
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I have no clue how many times I was out this year but was the best fishing year I have ever had and I was not out one weekend day fishing day were all monday thru friday except when I took the kids.
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So I don't do it unless I'm getting paid!
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yes this is the right time for fishing
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