PFBC fishing license fee increase


This document may not be a full budget, but gives an overview of the agency and its programs. On the last page there are two tables outlining 2018 expenditures and revenue. This was found right on the PFBC website
acristickid wrote:
I bet there is a correlation between the people that volunteered to do stream improvements, pick up trash, knock on door of landowners etc...who bought a voluntary permits and those that do nothing.

To be clear the loser users will ***** and do nothing and hold on to that $26 with a death grip. Hah.
There is probably also a correlation between "the people that volunteered to do stream improvements, pick up trash, knock on door of landowners etc...who bought a voluntary permits"...

...and who make sure they DISPLAY and brag about it so they can prance around like someone in a Prius toting those reusable shopping bags looking down their nose at those "loser users who don't and ***** and do nothing and hold on to that $26 with a death grip."

BTW - Those same losers may just do more and donate more to the PFBC every year though other programs but don't have a badge to wear so everyone knows it.
I'm glad I finished my Coke before reading that. ;-)
Bamboozle wrote:
acristickid wrote:
I bet there is a correlation between the people that volunteered to do stream improvements, pick up trash, knock on door of landowners etc...who bought a voluntary permits and those that do nothing.

To be clear the loser users will ***** and do nothing and hold on to that $26 with a death grip. Hah.
There is probably also a correlation between "the people that volunteered to do stream improvements, pick up trash, knock on door of landowners etc...who bought a voluntary permits"...

...and who make sure they DISPLAY and brag about it so they can prance around like someone in a Prius toting those reusable shopping bags looking down their nose at those "loser users who don't and ***** and do nothing and hold on to that $26 with a death grip."

BTW - Those same losers may just do more and donate more to the PFBC every year though other programs but don't have a badge to wear so everyone knows it.

PUH-POW. Nailed it. Like buying a trout stamp when they don't trout fish, like I do, because they stock trout where I like to fish.

Let's just disregard the constitution and let everybody raise taxes when they want. Actually, let's call it a voluntary fee so we can more easily get around that constitutional thing that's always getting in the way of our noble work.

If you don't like the way the PFBC is funded then ***** to your elected officials. If your still not satisfied then stop aligning with one party and vote them out of office. All this "I'm a better sportsmenen you" because I buy a truely voluntary button is not doing a thing to help the problem. In fact, your making it worse.
I think it would be better if we saw an actual budget sheet. All I see in the 2018 report is a high level funding of 'programs'.

Let's cut to the chase. What is the bottom line of your concern here?
I think it would be better if we saw an actual budget sheet. All I see in the 2018 report is a high level funding of 'programs'.

It's pretty clear to me that the majority of the budget (about 70%) goes to personnel. So if you want to start cutting then eliminate some jobs.

Just don't go complaining when you receive an inferior product in return.
You do realize that a significant number of jobs have already been cut by the agency?
You do realize that a significant number of jobs have already been cut by the agency?

I am not advocating cutting jobs at all. If anything I think they need to add some to support the initiatives that the PFBC currently has in place. I was simply responding to PAlongbow's comment about not understanding where the money is going in the budget.
Mike - I keep hearing that these agencies want more money but never see a detailed budget or what they plan to do with the additional monies as part of a license increase. Again I have no problem with an increase just want to make sure the money is being spent in the right areas. All of us should be asking for accountability.

The reason this is always an argument is because both sides are right. In today's climate of corrupt governments we should be doing what Longbow says but Les not forget how many PFBC guys are a big part of the good fight for PA watersheds, reptiles and amphibians and the tremendous work they do. Beyond that they are some good people and without them what would stop that same big corrupt government that wages big fleecing[d] donation[/d][d] tax[/d] [d]fees[/d] on us from destroying so much?
For the love of it look at your wild trout list lately? Look what they did when fracking came to town. And you wonder why they cant get a license increase?

You should be throwing money at them.
:pint: :hammer:

but yes accountability.
The legislature’s own Legislative Budget and Finance Committee in their 2014 report “An Update on the Feasibility of a Combined Fish and Wildlife Commission for Pennsylvania” found “of the states for which we have expenditure information, Penn- sylvania’s PFBC has the lowest expenditures per license at $26.48”. I am proud to say we were identified as the most efficient state fish or wildlife agency in the nation in how we spent anglers and boaters money.

In the 8 years that I was Director, I made sure that our books were open to anyone who was interested in looking at them. Feel free to view the annual reports that I gave to the House and Senate Game and Fisheries Committee that detailed spending and earning where I emphasized that we would not spend more than we earned and we would live within our means. That was unheard of in state government and I believe that you will find that the agency is now beginning to spend down some the reserve fund that we saved to pacify the politicians who like to spend our tax dollars like drunken sailors. You see they don’t have to earn a nickel of the tax money we give to them. They just collect it and pass it along to government agencies as an annual appropriation. We cut staff from 432 to 376 in order to pay escalating costs of pensions and health care but were still able to deliver the public services and goods that anglers expected.

I cracks me up to see some who demand transparency and accountability. Take note that is the reason that they tried to fire me by passing SB 935 out of the Senate that would have limited my term to eight years. This was certainly a Bill of Attainder if passed but was done to undoubtedly put pressure on my Board to fire me. Reindeer games at worst.

The PFBC and PGC are probably the most audited agencies in all of state government. The Governors Office of Administration watches everything we do and approves our annual budget to make sure that spending aligns with forecasted earnings, the LBFC does a triennial performance audit to make sure spending aligns with our Strategic Plan, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service audits our federal revenues which make up 25% of the overall agency budget.

That is the rest of the story. Time to go fishing.

Right on John!

Again thank you for being a friend to my favorite watershed.
^ no doubt!

Mr. Arway did it a great job running the PFBC under some very difficult financial constraints, IMO.

I certainly have nothing to add to what he wrote above.
It's great that the agency did not spend more than they earned. That's called managing a budget and providing accountability which is difficult for bureaucratic agencies to do, but was the money being spent in the right areas and the out reach to fisherman and landowners being managed properly?

Time to go clean up my creek property.
