PFBC Electroshocking the Letort

ryansheehan wrote:
JackM wrote:
Stocked, but well-fed. No eye spot, only a smear.

They stock the Letort?

Jack is just kidding around.

The PFBC does not stock Letort and hasn't for two decades. There are some stocked bows and brooks, mostly in town, that linger from a kid's derby as well as some fish that migrate around the watershed.

I fished tipton run about 15 years ago that's a tough stream to fish. That's a monster trout for out of there.
What? No brook trout.
Thanks for the replies and article on how electroshocking effects the other life in the stream. Seems like its not too harmful. I'm sure there are some causalities no matter what but over all minimal impact.
Ryan Sheehan- there are other home owners that stock the letort for friends and family as well.

Btw I'm friends with your good buddy Justin down there
IdratherbePhishing wrote:
Ryan Sheehan- there are other home owners that stock the letort for friends and family as well.

Btw I'm friends with your good buddy Justin down there

Nice, we hit the yough together on Sunday.
Ryan- heard it was a rough one. I talk to clover couple times a week
Yeah, it was pretty tough going. Maybe Clover and I will link up with you one day.