Pet Peeve

I'm too old to document my pet peeves. I let go of them 5 years ago. The last I let go is the guy from another part of the state or another state thinking that giving me 10-20 yards distance from fishing from me "is giving me a lot of room"
A father and son sandwiched me last year couldn't Fu#$@%ing believe it .I left quietly and went to another part and had good success win win
Yesterday I saw a guy and his little daughter setting up their rods and getting ready to fish right next to a sign that said stocked trout waters. I briefly thought about saying something, Then I thought who cares.
I get my fiber by chewing on black birch, and sassafras twigs when I'm out in the woods

I have a bunch of sassafras trees on my property and as a kid I used to make sassafras tea, but many moons ago I stopped when I read stuff like this:

Yesterday I saw a guy and his little daughter setting up their rods and getting ready to fish right next to a sign that said stocked trout waters. I briefly thought about saying something, Then I thought who cares.
Because it was youth mentor day? Anyone who would have a problem with kids getting a free mentor day before the opener has serious issues. Yes, done correctly and I'd support only the kid having a rod and the adult assisting. Occasionally, the adult will have to demonstrate or take over. If you have kids you know. this doesn't only apply to fishing.
I'm too old to document my pet peeves. I let go of them 5 years ago. The last I let go is the guy from another part of the state or another state thinking that giving me 10-20 yards distance from fishing from me "is giving me a lot of room"
From the perspective of opening day fishing, or Erie steelhead fishing, or the "glory days" at Fishermans Paradise, 10-20 yards is a lot of room.
Because it was youth mentor day? Anyone who would have a problem with kids getting a free mentor day before the opener has serious issues. Yes, done correctly and I'd support only the kid having a rod and the adult assisting. Occasionally, the adult will have to demonstrate or take over. If you have kids you know. this doesn't only apply to fishing.
Mentor day is next weekend. They were fishing illegally.
Because it was youth mentor day? Anyone who would have a problem with kids getting a free mentor day before the opener has serious issues. Yes, done correctly and I'd support only the kid having a rod and the adult assisting. Occasionally, the adult will have to demonstrate or take over. If you have kids you know. this doesn't only apply to fishing.
I had no idea! They were only people I saw on a heavily stocked stream
Tom is wrong here. Mentor youth day is this coming weekend. It was NOT last weekend. If you saw people in PA fishing, then they were fishing illegally.
He's probably making the poor kid camp there all week so he can get a jump on everyone else come Saturday.