Perfect Clinch Knot



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
That's a very good description...I use the clinch knot almost exclusively, and I never realized it would take that many words to describe how to tie it properly.

As a side note, and a follow up to another thread about clinch vs. improved clinch. As far as I know, I have never had a clinch knot fail. Even on tree snags, the tippet usually breaks rather than the know failing. I noticed this weekend when I was fishing with small poppers that when I checked the knot, it failed...twice on the same tie on. I was surprised, and racked my brain trying to figure out why. Any ideas? The only thing I could come up with was that the eye on the popper hook was bigger than on typical dries or nymphs I fish with, and that the hook wire itself was a little thicker. Could those be factors supporting when to use an improved clinch over the clinch?


I wonder what size fly is he is tying that with! haha. Very good description though.
Thats about the only know I use. At least to attach flies, lures, hooks, pretty much everything. I love that knot.
I should forget "improving" my clinches knots. Maybe I won't lose so many flies to poor knots.
on bigger diameter hooks and bass hardware i like to use the palomar knot its simple and very strong
Does it make a difference if you twist or wrap?
I think I use a trilene knot or something: a dozen of one, half of the other.

In other words, if your knot to the fly breaks, you are using too light of tippet or did something else wrong in the tying or tightening. A square knot's as good as a clinch to a blind squirrel.