Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Public Opinion Poll



Mar 10, 2010
Thought I would share this here. Let make the poll show a lot of push to help wild trout.

Little right up I did for in on the TL Blog.
Thanks for posting about this. I do think it's important for us to share our opinions in this PFBC poll since it very well might shape how their funds are used in the future, as well as how they decide to increase revenue. I've put the direct link to the poll below for anyone else who might want to take it.
Thanks for posting these links, guys. I just took the survey.

I strongly suggest as many of us who love wild trout as possible take this survey. It takes a minute and may be very helpful.
I am always skeptical of the PFBC when they hold meetings or do things like this. Its a nice way to make the PFBC look like they are concerned about wild fish. Its a way to make them appear like they care when really they are going to do what is going to make them money. It will help keep the wild trout enthusiasts off their backs to make it look like the PFBC is on their side. The Game Commission does the same scams.
I took the survey. Thanks for the link.

The survey did not appear to be about wild trout, though.

It seemed to be about budget issues. Raising money through license & fee increases, and/or saving money through cutting programs.
Troutbert, I agree. I would certainly not say that it was a survey about wild trout. It touched on wild trout, as it did other topics. I think two out of ten questions mentioned them if I recall correctly. In the grand scheme of things I think it was a well-rounded survey. From my biased perspective the last question's responses will be the most interesting. My comments come with no prior knowledge of the survey or any input; I found out about it here.
I honestly couldn't see what the survey was. It wouldn't pull up at work.
I do remember speaking to past and present PF&BC Commissioners and they have stated, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." The more the fisherman or groups communicates their feelings, desires and ideas to the F&BC the bigger the response will be from them.
But, it takes work individually and by groups to continually communicate and press for these topics to be addressed.
The F&BC has set up these official communication stops it is now our responsibility to step up and speak to them or be complacent in the standard quo.
PAF&BC has put the ball in our court...