Penns Woods Passages



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
Disclaimer: I realize this is a hunting book, not a fishing book, but it deals with Pennsylvania, and I imagine -- hope -- that a number of readers on the forum are hunters as well as fly-fishermen.

Anyhow, "Penns Woods Passages" by Bob Sopchick, who sadly and recently passed away from ALS, is a wonderful book that many sportsmen might want to add to their libraries. The book is a collection of many articles that Sopchick wrote for his column in the "Pennsylvania Game News." These range from personal narratives to outdoor fiction. He often centers his stories in the past, which appealed to me. Sopchick's descriptions of places reflect his talent as an artist, as he paints nice word pictures for the reader. When he gets to the actual killing of an animal, he writes in a matter-of-fact manner, and his descriptions of his kills reflect respect for the animal.

In addition, the book is nicely illustrated with many pen-and-ink drawings and a number of fine paintings. For those who know Sopchick's work, you know he was on a level near to that of the great Ned Smith.

(I would give the book a 4.9 out of 5, only because the book makes the repetitive error of using the word "laying" for "lying," which would probably bother no one except a retired old English teacher. The editors of the book should have caught this.)

It is a book that you can read straight through, which I did. However, it would be better read a story or two at a time, perhaps late in the evening and especially during winter near a woodburner. That way each story should receive the reader's full concentration, which each one deserves.

I would encourage you to add this book to your outdoor library. It costs $19.99, plus 6% sales tax, and $6.95 for shipping. It can be ordered at at the "HuntFish PA" section, or you can call 1-888-888-3495, using your credit card.
Sad to hear about his passing.