Penns Late March


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Lititz, Pa
Our annual spring trip Penns is a bit early this year. We will be at a friends cabin in Ingleby. I have never hit the early hatches on Penns and I'm guessing not much dry fly fishing this year. Any advice for this early spring trip? Regardless of hatches, I'm looking forward to a long weekend away with the guys! Thanks in advance!
Hatches will be dependent on westher and water temps. Always a chance of BWOs, small black stones and caddis.

You may find fish to be pretty active on nymphs and streamers depending on conditions
Our annual spring trip Penns is a bit early this year. We will be at a friends cabin in Ingleby. I have never hit the early hatches on Penns and I'm guessing not much dry fly fishing this year. Any advice for this early spring trip? Regardless of hatches, I'm looking forward to a long weekend away with the guys! Thanks in advance!
Follow penns creek angler on Facebook, he posts good stuff
Follow penns creek angler on Facebook, he posts good stuff
I will! I do that! I do check his site occasionally! He always sees lots of bugs even when I don't. May be because he is lower on the creek. He certainly know his stuff!
Anyone have any predictions for this weekend? Penns Creek Angler mentioned Hendrickson's? Seems early to me. Weekend looks to warm up. Any particular nymphs? BWO? Blue Quills? Stream is on the drop.
Penns Creek Angler said there was a blue quill hatch yesterday. The Blue Quill had a lot of variability based on different hatch charts for Penns.
So sorry if I mislead anyone! Riverwhy was messing with me about the spill! Penns was ok this weekend. Caught some on nymphs and dries. Streamers didn't produce. Blue Quills hatched. We caught a few on nymphs and dries. Some caught on Hendrickson nymphs as well. Decent number of stoneflies around.Great time on Penns!
As someone who went to college 60 miles from Pixberg and was surrounded by many people from the area, I will agree with Tom. It is Pixberg.
Agreed it is definitely pronounced Pixberg in the native yinzer dialect. You don't really hear it too often though, most locals say where they are going by using the neighborhood names or landmarks. Rare for me to hear people actually say "Im goin dahn pixberg". It's usually "Im goin dahntahn", or "sowside". "Im goin dahn da arena to see da pens".
I’m married to a 4th generation Pittsburgh’er and I never heard her or any of her family members call Pittsburgh “Pixberg”. Maybe they cleaned up their language around me? 😃
They must be from Mt. Lebanon.
No, but one of my wife’s great aunts lived there. Does that count?

My wife lived on Beechwood Blvd., the Shadyside or Squirrel area of Pixburg (now you’ve got me going).

Thinking about this more, one of her families’ friends owned a Pittsburgh bakery whose breads were sold as “Town Talk” and “Wonder” bread. After all these years I’ve got to “Wonder” why my wife grew up in Pittsburgh and never knew the “Town Talk”? 😃