Penns creek-Weikert Road access

Yes, a bit exaggerated on the Bear Run and Cherry Run Road conditions. Those roads are in very good shape for your standard gravel State forest roads. The paving project on Friday is supposed to have Cherry Run road and weikert road closed, according to the supervisor on the bridge job.
Trico3 wrote:
Yes, a bit exaggerated on the Bear Run and Cherry Run Road conditions. Those roads are in very good shape for your standard gravel State forest roads. The paving project on Friday is supposed to have Cherry Run road and weikert road closed, according to the supervisor on the bridge job.

I assume Cherry Run Road is only closed to just above the bridge? I'll be up there Saturday. Need to check the cabin. I may get a chance to fish. Not sure which side I'll go in on.
franklin wrote:
Trico3 wrote:
Yes, a bit exaggerated on the Bear Run and Cherry Run Road conditions. Those roads are in very good shape for your standard gravel State forest roads. The paving project on Friday is supposed to have Cherry Run road and weikert road closed, according to the supervisor on the bridge job.

I assume Cherry Run Road is only closed to just above the bridge? I'll be up there Saturday. Need to check the cabin. I may get a chance to fish. Not sure which side I'll go in on.

Cherry Run Road is open completely. Weikert Road is closed just before it meets Cherry run Road because of bridge work.
afishinado wrote:
franklin wrote:
Trico3 wrote:
Yes, a bit exaggerated on the Bear Run and Cherry Run Road conditions. Those roads are in very good shape for your standard gravel State forest roads. The paving project on Friday is supposed to have Cherry Run road and weikert road closed, according to the supervisor on the bridge job.

I assume Cherry Run Road is only closed to just above the bridge? I'll be up there Saturday. Need to check the cabin. I may get a chance to fish. Not sure which side I'll go in on.

Cherry Run Road is open completely. Weikert Road is closed just before it meets Cherry run Road because of bridge work.

My understanding is that at least tomorrow they are paving beyond the bridge on Weikert and possibly up to the bridge on Cherry Run.
ColdBore wrote:
afishinado wrote:
Here are pics and a report from Bruce at Penns Creek angler from FB about the closure of Wiekert Road for construction of a new bridge over Cherry run. Pretty rough! >

Wow, a bit dramatic and whiny I'd say.

Hey ColdBore, I posted a link to Penns Creek Anglers's Facebook page about the situation road closure a few miles down the road from PCA to give everyone on the site a heads-up.

Here is what I wrote in my next post down in post #13 >

afishinado wrote:
I am not an engineer and cannot assess whether the method used to divert the stream and build a new bridge is SOP or in some way not the proper way to proceed. I'll defer to others with more knowledge of engineering procedures to make that determination. If it is improper and unduly harmful it should be reported to the proper authorities. If not, than we should just bide our time and wait to gain access through Weikert Road.

Why didn't you quote this instead of accusing me of whining?

I volunteered to be a moderator on here to post info to help folks out and make the site more interesting and worth visiting. I will continue to post info that I believe is useful or even entertaining to members, whether anyone agrees or disagrees with it's content.

Afish, I believe Coldbore was refering to Bruce Fisher's doom and gloom Facebook post, not you.
Ha! My bad, I deleted the quote by coldbore because it blew the Margins up. So it appeared coldbore was referring to Afish himself rather than the link he provided in afishs post.

Sorry bout that.
Maurice wrote:
Ha! My bad, I deleted the quote by coldbore because it blew the Margins up. So it appeared coldbore was referring to Afish himself rather than the link he provided in afishs post.

Sorry bout that.

^ :roll:

Sorry coldbore, operators error.

afishinado wrote:
Maurice wrote:
Ha! My bad, I deleted the quote by coldbore because it blew the Margins up. So it appeared coldbore was referring to Afish himself rather than the link he provided in afishs post.

Sorry bout that.

^ :roll:

Sorry coldbore, operators error.

No worries. ;-)

I didn't notice that anything got changed in my quoting, but yes, I was referring to Bruce's rant, not your post!

Sorry if any misunderstandings!
Yeah, no harm, no foul.

I agree that Bruce from PCA may have been a little over the top with his Facebook post, but he's a decent guy. The detour took most anglers around his shop to get to the Cherry Run area.

Penns has been high, off-color and unfishable for many months, but the stream has finally settled down in the last few weeks.

Anyway, Bruce from PCA has suffered a loss of business through no fault of his own. I encourage anyone fishing Penns or driving in the area to stop in at the shop to see Bruce, and maybe buy something there that you may need for fishing.
Fished Penns on Saturday. Windy, drizzly day. Good slate drake hatch early afternoon that got fish rising for an hour or two. Then things died off. Handful of slate drakes, olives (drunella and baetis types), cahills, sulfurs (dorothea) all evening, but little response. The Sulphur (dorothea) hatch was massive at dark, but not much rose to them. No spinners to speak of, I assume due to the wind.

But, I got 8, including 2 big ones, and missed a TON. Wasn't as epic as I initially hoped given the weather, but not a bad day by any means, and with a little better hooking luck could have been pretty good. The stream is in good shape.
Nice fish! We got one about that size. Three of us fished around late morning to about 3 or 4 on Thursday because thunderstorms hit. All day Friday. Less than 2 hours Saturday.
Water was murky Thursday. Fished fast water at Poe Paddy, water above trestle bridge up to the old washed out bridge, Swift Run area, and walked way down to a fair ways on the Catch and Release Stretch and fished up through the braided area (not the one right below broadwaters) and up to long pool with a high bank, then the big pool right above the campground for the evening hatch, then swift run again Saturday morning.

We did not do very well on the Catch and Release area despite all the hiking. Still haven't figured out if there are less fish down there or we just don't know the area well enough. Missed some and caught some bass lower part of the big pool with the high bank. Very little dry fly action except Thursday evening in the big pool right up from the campground. Luckily the water had cleared some by then. A lot of rising fish at times. Caught most with light colored mayfly patters and maybe a couple on slate drakes. Surprised at the number of small browns in there! I rarely catch the little guys. Appears the spawn was good last couple years. Stoneflies, Slate Drakes, and wooly buggers were the best in heavy water areas.

I should add that fish were starting to rise on the big pool at the old washed out bridge when the storms hit late afternoon on Thursday.
That was saturday in C&R area, in a pool with a high bank, lol. This ones actually bigger, but i was fumbling and got nothing in the pic for scale.

According to Bruce from Penns Creek Angler, the Cherry Run bridge near the end of Weikert Road is now open to drive through to the parking area.