Penns Creek or Kettle Creek?



New member
Sep 4, 2012
I am relatively new to fly fishing and I am planning a fishing trip for the weekend of September 15th. I don't expect many meteorologists to reply to this post but which creek would you guys recommend on a temperature stand point? I know kettle creek is farther north but i'm not sure if it will really make a difference. What creek temps do you guys think could be expected for mid September?


Go to Penns the water in Kettle is very low.
Lol.......Penns isn't in any better shape.
Could it get any better in 2 weeks?
by ewall on 2012/9/4 20:50:18 Could it get any better in 2 weeks?

I really hope so. This rain in the forecast should help some but who knows how much.
Right now I wouldn't go to Kettle Creek, the flow is 14 cfs. However, as I write this rain is moving into Kettle Creek drainage so it may be of to go up there if they get plenty of rain.
Wow, i didnt know kettle Creek was flowing at 14 cfs! I wouldn't want to risk reserving a camping spot and having it be that low while im there. Maybe penns creek is a better bet. Plus there are other creeks to hit such as the little j and many more.
The prudent thing to do would be to wait until the day before you leave and check out the water levels and temps then. It all depends on what happens between now and then. If it remains hot and dry, I would avoid both for different reasons. If it cools up and we get some rain then you could go to either.
It has been really dry up there compared to south central PA. I listen to NWS radio here and at camp. While we have enjoyed a surplus of a couple inches of rain around here, Williamsport is over 4 inches below normal for the year. When it does rain, Kettle quickly rises and falls in a day or so. When Fall is here and the trees and plants don't use so much water then the rains will have a chance to bring the streams up and keep them up.
I would not travel more then 10 minutes to fish Penns it is horrid low
What is a typical cfs for penns creek? I mostly just want to get out and do some camping and fishing. So if penns and kettle are in bad shape, then what creeks would you guys recommend?
All of the streams are still quite low. Penns is flowing at 116 cfs and fed by limestone springs. Still a much better bet than kettle, which is flowing at 19 cfs. You would want to fish it closer to coburn, where elk/pine creeks come in.

However, if i were fishing at that time, I would go to spring creek or the little j.
If the weather is still hot, spring creek would be the better choice
Does anyone know of a campground that is centrally located around these creeks?
This is a great place to stay. Let them know your from PAFF.