Penns Creek - Lancaster Sunday News article

I think the CG is situated inside a state park, so you should not expect that only campers will be there. Penn's Creek runs through it for goodness sake.
Poe Paddy is a state park, therefore it is public ground. While I don't condone the idea of people walking through campsites that aren't theirs, its a possibility you deal with when camping there. Do they limit the number of people in the park at any given time? No, and they shouldn't. It's public land and should remain so. You take the same risk leaving valuables out there as you do on any piece of public land. Common sense plays a big role in what you take away from your experience.
Penns is no secret no matter what articles are or aren't published. I don't think it's going to get any more or less crowded during the drakes. Its a destination for a reason. If you honestly want some solitude and less crowds learn to fish the lesser hatches, be prepared to fight crappy weather, and don't be afraid to learn how to wade higher water. That's about the only way I know of to find yourself alone on that water.
Thanks for the information, all. Yeah, I didn't mean to ask my question like I was expecting solitude, or security all over the campground protecting my stuff. In my head I am envisioning 250 cars parked along the road with 400 people standing 10' apart along Penns.

Never taking part in attempting to catch this hatch, all I have is hearing other peoples stories about it. When you hear it is a 'circus', I guess at least I, don't know what to expect so was asking those that experienced it before.

This isn't my first time camping, but normally am not too worried if I leave my coleman stove on the picnic table at my site, or a lantern hanging there. Those are the things I would be concerned that someone would walk off with and it would be a pain in the #censor# to have to lock every single thing I took camping other than my tent up in my car every time I left my site for 4 hours to go fish.
If it were me, I wouldn't worry about the stove and lantern. Things that I would worry about are the things I would lock up normally regardless of time or place.
I think you’ll be fine. Most of the fishing foot traffic stays clear of the camp sites from what I’ve seen. I’ve never camped at Poe, but I’ve left my campsite up plenty of times to leave for a full day of fishing and been fine. There’s a bit of a gentleman and ladies agreement or “code” with that kind of stuff when it comes to camping.

In any case, I would argue the hottest commodity around will be Sulphur parachutes as the fish will more likely be eating those than the Drakes. I’d keep those under lock and key! And in all seriousness, make sure you pack a few…if you’re getting refusals to Drakes, but see fish consistently rising, try a Sulphur.
Thank you for that bit of information. I am not even sure I will be there when the drakes are hatching, but heard that in the spring time something is always hatching pretty well there. I was there with my family last August and had a pretty good day there just drifting some nymphs. Would like to get some nice dry fly action though. Thanks again.