Penns Creek Bottoms up brunettes

I almost never have a camera with me on the stream.

Cel Phone? What's that?

I don't need no stinkin pictures.

And I often fish when the water is above 70 ... for bluegills and bass of course.

But I don't see why anyone would be upset at the OP. You can see he hasn't posted much so likely hasn't been exposed to all the previous lectures.
krayfish2 wrote:
I almost want to say the OP is "the boy who cried wolf" or just trying to stir things up a bit.

I'm glad he told us that he saw 6 dead trout on Penns. It's good information.

Unless you think he just made up seeing 6 dead trout. I see no reason to think that. Why would anyone do that?

troutbert wrote:
krayfish2 wrote:
I almost want to say the OP is "the boy who cried wolf" or just trying to stir things up a bit.

I'm glad he told us that he saw 6 dead trout on Penns. It's good information.

Unless you think he just made up seeing 6 dead trout. I see no reason to think that. Why would anyone do that?

Maybe he is writing a book? :p :lol:
FarmerDave wrote:
troutbert wrote:
krayfish2 wrote:
I almost want to say the OP is "the boy who cried wolf" or just trying to stir things up a bit.

I'm glad he told us that he saw 6 dead trout on Penns. It's good information.

Unless you think he just made up seeing 6 dead trout. I see no reason to think that. Why would anyone do that?

Maybe he is writing a book? :p :lol:

I'm not sure "Dead Trout" would be a good title.

Well, it usually gets a fair amount of attention, here.;-)
FarmerDave wrote:
Well, it usually gets a fair amount of attention, here.;-)
admit it Farmer-you wuz skunked.
Called the Feathered Crook...I mean Hook...(Just joking around peoples, relax)

Talked to a dude working there that said fishing is good and temps are good. Now, that is info from a fly shop and we all know what a fly shop is in business for. That being said, I haved been there when things are getting warm and they have suggested heading elsewhere. Which always ends up being a better decision for me and the fish.

Temps very well may have been getting up there. But as the OP seems to suggest by his post, the alleged dead fish may be more a result of poor handling and over playing rather than solely a result of high temps.

Still if you are concerned about the prospect of killing your catch you may want to seek cooler waters. I think most anglers on this site are aware poor handling and landing technique can kill a fish at anytime anywhere at any temp. if you really cant handle the idea of that you may want to take up bowling.

Call ahead, check conditiins, stop in at Jonas' (the Feathered Hook in Coburn) and buy a thermometer. He will love you for it, and then we can have a thread about proper temping procedure.
I believe those dead fish were the result of catch and release angling. Now, if you found 6 fishheads on the bank, I would believe otherwise.

pete41 wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
Well, it usually gets a fair amount of attention, here.;-)
admit it Farmer-you wuz skunked.

Not ever day, but will admit I did poorly at the Jam and only caught fish on the first and last day unless you count one fall fish I caught on Penns before taking a dip.

I did catch more than Art and Norm did though. ;-)

As far as my previous response to the book idea... I was torn between that and suggesting some better titles, but probably wouldn't get a cut.;-)
Recent Penns temp- Monday 6/8 it was 64 near Steel House Hollow Rd below Coburn.

Drakes were hatching where Elk comes in below Coburn in the evenings.
Doctor Gene,

Thanks for the recent temperature on Penns. If anybody gets more temperatures between now and middle of next week, please let me know so that I can plan my upcoming fishing accordingly.

Check out the most recent catch photo at The Feathered Hook web site. I sure hope that fish was taken to the frying pan, because if it was released than it was probably one of the ones in the count by the OP.

Dead is dead, whether in the pan or raccoon bait.
As an angler I try to be conscientious and ethical. But people lets be honest, we stick sharp pieces of metal into fish for fun. Sooner or later there are gonna be a few that die as a result. If this makes you squirm a bit, maybe you should pick a different hobby.
fishngun wrote:
As an angler I try to be conscientious and ethical. But people lets be honest, we stick sharp pieces of metal into fish for fun. Sooner or later there are gonna be a few that die as a result. If this makes you squirm a bit, maybe you should pick a different hobby.
well said-
Check out the most recent catch photo at The Feathered Hook web site. I sure hope that fish was taken to the frying pan, because if it was released than it was probably one of the ones in the count by the OP.

I really wish they would post larger photos their website!
From what I gather, if the eye is not turned down in the socket, the fish is not in the best shape. Check it out. Look at pics.
The reason it got my attention was the number of fish I saw belly up. I fish Penns several times a week, not several times a season. I really had only seen one dead trout here or there, and a few suckers and fall fish that were probably mishandled on purpose. It just surprised me to see that many trout at one time, all of a sudden. Water temps that I took (in stream current) were not too high imo. I've been fishing Penns many years and quit or move on when I must.
Once upon a time (pre 1992) I saw many stockies from Penns hanging on my stringers. It didn't make me squirm a bit while filleting them. But, I have evolved. I still keep a few stockies every year. Kept 5 this year.
Trico3 wrote:
The reason it got my attention was the number of fish I saw belly up. I fish Penns several times a week, not several times a season. I really had only seen one dead trout here or there, and a few suckers and fall fish that were probably mishandled on purpose. It just surprised me to see that many trout at one time, all of a sudden. Water temps that I took (in stream current) were not too high imo. I've been fishing Penns many years and quit or move on when I must.

Thanks for your original post on seeing the 6 dead trout. That's a very unusual situation. I think it's good to know about stuff like that, even if we can't figure out what the problem was for sure right now. Sometimes pieces of puzzles start coming together over a period of time.