Penns Creek 4/19



Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Lititz, Pa
We are headed to a friends cabin at Ingleby. We have never fished that stretch at that time of year. In fact, its been forever since we fished Penns in April. Any advice for Penns at this time of year. Will the grannoms and hendricksons be on that stretch at that time? Any advice would be appreciated. I always wonder if warmer temps have moved hatches up from most of the hatch charts you see. Thanks!
Dear Jeff,

If I told you so much depends on the weather would you believe me? In an average year with average flows 4/19 or thereabouts should put you in the prime of the Hendrickson hatch, with Grannoms following in close proximity. Have a couple March Browns/Grey Foxes just in case.

A late cold snap can change things, as can a week of sunny 70 degree weather, and rain, especially torrential rain, is the deal killer. I've stood on the banks of Penns at the parking area below Cherry Run around that time of year when the bugs were absolutely annoying in their abundance, but the creek was turd brown and raging. I'm sure the fish were enjoying whatever morsel they could find, but none were looking up.

You should be better able to assess the situation by April 8th by checking the fishing reports and long range weather forecasts. I'm partial to Accuweather because I'm a PSU grad, but there are others to consult.

I'm sure you'll find a way to amuse yourselves so have fun!


Tim Murphy :)
Thanks Tim! I seem to recall some super early March Brown report on Penns in recent years. Also, is the Hendrickson better on the lower end than up at Ingleby. Blue Quills?
Last year early April Penns was so hot @Swattie87 lol had to steal his saying....

Warm weather and optimal flows had bugs popping and fish jumping. About that weekend last year I was camped at poe paddy, it was cold and rainy. We caught fish, but once the cold front and rain hit it was tough fishing.
Last year early April Penns was so hot @Swattie87 lol had to steal his saying....

Warm weather and optimal flows had bugs popping and fish jumping. About that weekend last year I was camped at poe paddy, it was cold and rainy. We caught fish, but once the cold front and rain hit it was tough fishing.

Yeah. Penns did fish really well last April. But, it was relatively low for that time of year last year. Not shaping up to be that way this year unless the faucet gets turned off.

In any case, there will be bugs, it’s Penns. A lot will depend on temps and flows for the specific days you are there. April is a wild month weather wise, and IMO you can’t count on it being consistently “warm” in pretty much all of PA, but the SE corner maybe, until about mid-May. I’d plan on having all of the “Quills” covered, which includes Quill Gordon’s, Hendricksons/Red Quills, and Blue Quills. (Cheat Code: You can really get by with pretty much the same pattern for all of these, just vary the size as appropriate. They all look very similar.) I wouldn’t rule out a March Brown or two, and even an early Sulphur. Especially if flows drop and things warm up and you get a warm drizzly kind of day.

The nutzo day pcray and I had last year on Hendricksons was relatively cold though. Mid 40’s, at best, with a decent breeze. I had my puffy jacket on all day, except on the hikes in/out.

Trying this saying out for 2024…”Penns, so blown out right now.” Oh well, if Penns is blown out, it means the small streams are dialed in. Always somewhere to fish.
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Yeah. Penns did fish really well last April. But, it was relatively low for that time of year last year. Not shaping up to be that way this year unless the faucet gets turned off.

In any case, there will be bugs, it’s Penns. A lot will depend on temps and flows for the specific days you are there. April is a wild month weather wise, and IMO you can’t count on it being consistently “warm” in pretty much all of PA, but the SE corner maybe, until about mid-May. I’d plan on having all of the “Quills” covered, which includes Quill Gordon’s, Hendricksons/Red Quills, and Blue Quills. (Cheat Code: You can really get by with pretty much the same pattern for all of these, just vary the size as appropriate. They all look very similar.) I wouldn’t rule out a March Brown or two, and even an early Sulphur. Especially if flows drop and things warm up and you get a warm drizzly kind of day.

The nutzo day pcray and I had last year on Hendricksons was relatively cold though. Mid 40’s, at best, with a decent breeze. I had my puffy jacket on all day, except on the hikes in/out.

Trying this saying out for 2024…”Penns, so blown out right now.” Oh well, if Penns is blown out, it means the small streams are dialed in. Always somewhere to fish.
Dear swattie,

The absolute best Hendrickson hatches I've ever fished occurred around the time Jeff will be on Penns. The first was on Tobyhanna Creek, circa 1988. It was the second weekend of trout season, so it was likely the 19th or 20th. Just after Noon, a snow squall hit and the creek exploded with bugs and rising fish. My brother Terry Murphy and I were catching fish just like the golfing Pastor in Caddyshack was golfing. It was so good Terry pissed in his boot foot waders so he didn't miss any action. Besides his feet were getting cold so that helped.

The second best Hendrickson hatch was on the Acid Factory pool on the Beaverkill a couple of weeks later around the end of April though it was probably 1993 or 1994. I crossed the rickety old iron bridge and parked on the opposite side from Horton Brook. It was cold and crappy, and I debated whether or not to even fish? A beautiful yellow farm dog walked over to me and said, "Dude, get going it will be epic." The dog didn't actually talk, but I went fishing. The dog was right! a snow squall hit and the water bubbled with fish! Somewhere in a box of old photos I have a picture of that dog. It was some sort of blue-eyed long-haired husky mix. I fished the Acid Factory Pool many times over the next couple of years and that dog visited me every single time.

Once the water temperature hits 50 degrees for a couple of days the bugs come, it's science.


Tim Murphy :)
West Branch Delaware. Mud Flats about 8 years ago. I like to say the Fish went "Bluefish". Looked like a chum slick with slashing Blues. Did not matter if your fly was dragging, floating bad, sunk or even if the wing was chewed off. Fish on every cast. Pulled the boat out at Balls. There was nobody floating that day but us and Mark a guide from W Br Angler. Cold, windy and high water .... very few waders. Mark said you will be lucky to see another day like today. I said yup "even a chimpanzee could catch fish today". Word got out and the next day was busy with boats and the fishing was good but nothing like the day before. It was probably the first day the fish had got on the bugs as they were hatching in fits and spurts for a couple of days but the water temp was just not there yet.

Got to see a big buck mink wrestle a 3ft lamprey eel for 20 min. The tough bugger eventually dragged dinner up on the bank.

I have seen a blanket hatch of Hendos on the Lackawaxen over the years also.

dont listen to Tim Murphy ... he and Brent Musburger STILL believe that Ron Powlus was the GREATEST college quarter back to EVER play the game .... ( brent ) YOU ARE LOOKING LIVE .... HOW MANY HIESMAN TROPHIES WILL THIS YOUNG MAN WIN!!?? answer ... none. but i digress ...

JUST GO MAN! You'll be in one of the most beautiful places on this earth. Whats the weather going to be ? just go over to Weather Rock at the bottom of Ingleby Rd ... that will tell you. get a bouquet of flowers from Burkholders and go over to Omaha Beach ... place them at the bottom of that plaque ... and just think a minute of what that all means. Hike downstream to the old rail trestle ... you might see a Bear run past you on the trail ... dont worry --- theyre friendly, just pat them on the head and they'll go home. that big riffle just past the deep bend pool downstream of the old trestle ... Mermaids live there ... and HUGE browns ... the mermaids come out at 7:17 pm that time of year ---- they love dark chocolate. at .25 mile upstream theres a big boulder with a sweeping current - there's a big Brown that sits in the whirlpool at the end of the rock .... just sipping ... all day ... LEAVE HIM ALONE ... he's mine & ive got a score to settle with him in May.

JUST GO MAN! Because its wild and beautiful there ... and places like this are disappering ... FAST. Because i'll be 600 miles away ... and Jealous. i hope you have a safe and FANTASTIC time!

PS - Tim ... we fished together on Spring Creek many moons ago, i brought you a Churchill Downs Kentucky Derby hat from Louisville ... you gave me a 6'er of Straub Pounders ... you had a big beautiful white dog that we sat with. BWOs were popping
... we had a great time!!

dont listen to Tim Murphy ... he and Brent Musburger STILL believe that Ron Powlus was the GREATEST college quarter back to EVER play the game .... ( brent ) YOU ARE LOOKING LIVE .... HOW MANY HIESMAN TROPHIES WILL THIS YOUNG MAN WIN!!?? answer ... none. but i digress ...

JUST GO MAN! You'll be in one of the most beautiful places on this earth. Whats the weather going to be ? just go over to Weather Rock at the bottom of Ingleby Rd ... that will tell you. get a bouquet of flowers from Burkholders and go over to Omaha Beach ... place them at the bottom of that plaque ... and just think a minute of what that all means. Hike downstream to the old rail trestle ... you might see a Bear run past you on the trail ... dont worry --- theyre friendly, just pat them on the head and they'll go home. that big riffle just past the deep bend pool downstream of the old trestle ... Mermaids live there ... and HUGE browns ... the mermaids come out at 7:17 pm that time of year ---- they love dark chocolate. at .25 mile upstream theres a big boulder with a sweeping current - there's a big Brown that sits in the whirlpool at the end of the rock .... just sipping ... all day ... LEAVE HIM ALONE ... he's mine & ive got a score to settle with him in May.

JUST GO MAN! Because its wild and beautiful there ... and places like this are disappering ... FAST. Because i'll be 600 miles away ... and Jealous. i hope you have a safe and FANTASTIC time!

PS - Tim ... we fished together on Spring Creek many moons ago, i brought you a Churchill Downs Kentucky Derby hat from Louisville ... you gave me a 6'er of Straub Pounders ... you had a big beautiful white dog that we sat with. BWOs were popping
... we had a great time!!
Yo Mashbill,

That was Beano Cook who spouted the Ron Powlus praise! Git yer insults right son! ;)

If you are who I think you might be you came to Spring Creek in a Nissan Murano rental car. If I'm wrong then you aren't the guy from Kentucky I met in the upper parking lot above the PA FBC training camp at the Paradise.

And on the outside chance that you are that guy, Holy S%$t, that was a loooooong time ago. I really hope it's you!


Tim Murphy :)
Yo Mashbill,

That was Beano Cook who spouted the Ron Powlus praise! Git yer insults right son! ;)

If you are who I think you might be you came to Spring Creek in a Nissan Murano rental car. If I'm wrong then you aren't the guy from Kentucky I met in the upper parking lot above the PA FBC training camp at the Paradise.

And on the outside chance that you are that guy, Holy S%$t, that was a loooooong time ago. I really hope it's you!


Tim Murphy :)
Not for nothing, but I remember Brent with his man crush on Powlus during his first game. This while he picked apart mighty Northwestern on ABC.

As for Penns, just go. Even if it humbles you, she is an enchantress which will have you coming back for life!
Penns Creek in April has a fairly high likelihood of being higher than many people like to fish it. One could even say the chances of it being "blown out" are decent. By all means, go and fish. There will be bugs, there will be fish, and there will be fishermen.
I love a good Beano reference. He was the Dean.

Carry on...
I for one hope it’s “blown out” more this year than last. It’s far better for both the fish and the fishing at an off color 600-800 cfs than when it’s a “perfect” 200 cfs. Plus it cuts down on the crowds. Last year was a zoo, no doubt due to the fact that it had the most easily wadable flows I’ve seen in probably 10 years.

dont listen to Tim Murphy ... he and Brent Musburger STILL believe that Ron Powlus was the GREATEST college quarter back to EVER play the game .... ( brent ) YOU ARE LOOKING LIVE .... HOW MANY HIESMAN TROPHIES WILL THIS YOUNG MAN WIN!!?? answer ... none. but i digress ...

JUST GO MAN! You'll be in one of the most beautiful places on this earth. Whats the weather going to be ? just go over to Weather Rock at the bottom of Ingleby Rd ... that will tell you. get a bouquet of flowers from Burkholders and go over to Omaha Beach ... place them at the bottom of that plaque ... and just think a minute of what that all means. Hike downstream to the old rail trestle ... you might see a Bear run past you on the trail ... dont worry --- theyre friendly, just pat them on the head and they'll go home. that big riffle just past the deep bend pool downstream of the old trestle ... Mermaids live there ... and HUGE browns ... the mermaids come out at 7:17 pm that time of year ---- they love dark chocolate. at .25 mile upstream theres a big boulder with a sweeping current - there's a big Brown that sits in the whirlpool at the end of the rock .... just sipping ... all day ... LEAVE HIM ALONE ... he's mine & ive got a score to settle with him in May.

JUST GO MAN! Because its wild and beautiful there ... and places like this are disappering ... FAST. Because i'll be 600 miles away ... and Jealous. i hope you have a safe and FANTASTIC time!

PS - Tim ... we fished together on Spring Creek many moons ago, i brought you a Churchill Downs Kentucky Derby hat from Louisville ... you gave me a 6'er of Straub Pounders ... you had a big beautiful white dog that we sat with. BWOs were popping
... we had a great time!!

dont listen to Tim Murphy ... he and Brent Musburger STILL believe that Ron Powlus was the GREATEST college quarter back to EVER play the game .... ( brent ) YOU ARE LOOKING LIVE .... HOW MANY HIESMAN TROPHIES WILL THIS YOUNG MAN WIN!!?? answer ... none. but i digress ...

JUST GO MAN! You'll be in one of the most beautiful places on this earth. Whats the weather going to be ? just go over to Weather Rock at the bottom of Ingleby Rd ... that will tell you. get a bouquet of flowers from Burkholders and go over to Omaha Beach ... place them at the bottom of that plaque ... and just think a minute of what that all means. Hike downstream to the old rail trestle ... you might see a Bear run past you on the trail ... dont worry --- theyre friendly, just pat them on the head and they'll go home. that big riffle just past the deep bend pool downstream of the old trestle ... Mermaids live there ... and HUGE browns ... the mermaids come out at 7:17 pm that time of year ---- they love dark chocolate. at .25 mile upstream theres a big boulder with a sweeping current - there's a big Brown that sits in the whirlpool at the end of the rock .... just sipping ... all day ... LEAVE HIM ALONE ... he's mine & ive got a score to settle with him in May.

JUST GO MAN! Because its wild and beautiful there ... and places like this are disappering ... FAST. Because i'll be 600 miles away ... and Jealous. i hope you have a safe and FANTASTIC time!

PS - Tim ... we fished together on Spring Creek many moons ago, i brought you a Churchill Downs Kentucky Derby hat from Louisville ... you gave me a 6'er of Straub Pounders ... you had a big beautiful white dog that we sat with. BWOs were popping
... we had a great time!!
Thanks! That is exactly where we will be. Cabin lane right at weather rock!

dont listen to Tim Murphy ... he and Brent Musburger STILL believe that Ron Powlus was the GREATEST college quarter back to EVER play the game .... ( brent ) YOU ARE LOOKING LIVE .... HOW MANY HIESMAN TROPHIES WILL THIS YOUNG MAN WIN!!?? answer ... none. but i digress ...

JUST GO MAN! You'll be in one of the most beautiful places on this earth. Whats the weather going to be ? just go over to Weather Rock at the bottom of Ingleby Rd ... that will tell you. get a bouquet of flowers from Burkholders and go over to Omaha Beach ... place them at the bottom of that plaque ... and just think a minute of what that all means. Hike downstream to the old rail trestle ... you might see a Bear run past you on the trail ... dont worry --- theyre friendly, just pat them on the head and they'll go home. that big riffle just past the deep bend pool downstream of the old trestle ... Mermaids live there ... and HUGE browns ... the mermaids come out at 7:17 pm that time of year ---- they love dark chocolate. at .25 mile upstream theres a big boulder with a sweeping current - there's a big Brown that sits in the whirlpool at the end of the rock .... just sipping ... all day ... LEAVE HIM ALONE ... he's mine & ive got a score to settle with him in May.

JUST GO MAN! Because its wild and beautiful there ... and places like this are disappering ... FAST. Because i'll be 600 miles away ... and Jealous. i hope you have a safe and FANTASTIC time!

PS - Tim ... we fished together on Spring Creek many moons ago, i brought you a Churchill Downs Kentucky Derby hat from Louisville ... you gave me a 6'er of Straub Pounders ... you had a big beautiful white dog that we sat with. BWOs were popping
... we had a great time!!
The pool up from the last cabin (where we are staying), is pretty incredible. We call it the swimming pool. I'm not sure if people call it that. Friend who owns it has some pics from the old days when that's what it was used for in the summer. It is a glorious place.
Not for nothing, but I remember Brent with his man crush on Powlus during his first game. This while he picked apart mighty Northwestern on ABC.

As for Penns, just go. Even if it humbles you, she is an enchantress which will have you coming back for life!
I'm 57. Been going since high school fly-tying trip. 2-4 times a year. Just enough to make it special every time.
I love a good Beano reference. He was the Dean.

Carry on...
I received his memoir book as a Christmas present.
Titled "Haven't They Suffered Enough"?
He passed away in the middle of writing it, but it was finished posthumously by a friend of his.

Have only read a couple of chapters, but it's a great read so far
I need to read that!

Hope to see you on the stream soon DFG.
Last year had an awesome day in April (Hendricksons).

Yeah will be very flow dependent.
The nutzo day pcray and I had last year on Hendricksons was relatively cold though. Mid 40’s, at best, with a decent breeze. I had my puffy jacket on all day, except on the hikes in/out.
And when you fell in and had to hang dry everything.

I was there for a 3 day weekend. Days 1 and 2 largely sucked. Cold and windy. I managed fish both days, including a beast, but it was tough morning till dark work for just a couple of fish. Day 3 was when Swattie joined me. Late start with me taking down the tent and having to thaw my wading boots by the fire, while Swattie drove to join me. Mid 40's was a warm up compared to the prior days. More hard work all morning, but mid afternoon, I started my walk out and Swattie stayed, the Penns switch turned seriously ON with a blizzard hendrickson hatch and every fish in the stream goin nuts. I saw em when I crossed the bridge and decided to fish another hour or two, whatever I had to be home for could wait. I cleaned up. As there's no cell coverage around, I had to wait till evening to confirm he hit them a mile downstream as well. He did.

That was early April. And thats how it goes on Penns, especially early season. Hours, or often days, of tough fishing, followed by an hour or two where they seem to swim into your net.

I have hit massive evening sulfur hatches in mid April before, so be ready for that. Get low water and a heavy hatch and its the best fishing of the year. But hatches are certainly less reliable at that time of year.
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