Peak rotary or Renzetti Traveler?


Active member
Jan 9, 2021
I'm thinking of upgrading my vise from the old Thompson A model I found buried in a box of jig tying material from my bass fishing days to something newer & better. I've only been tying for about one year, after taking some beginner classes from my local fly fishing club. Just basic stuff, buggers, eggs, midges, etc.

The old Thompson vise is beginning to get a bit finicky on adjustment; it still works but begrudgingly. So, perhaps a new vise is in order. I've heard & read glowing reviews for the Renzetti, and looked at the basic Peak rotary at my local fly shop. Exact same price, $210. Which would you pick, and why? Or something else?
i cant speak of peak rotary. but my renzetti traveler is great. i always say buy the best you can afford. i would say if the basic peak rotary is the same price as the renzetti. then i would go with the renzetti. im sure you can youtube both for pros and cons.
I use renzetti. get the cam jaws. A lot of people like Regal too. I think you can't go wrong with any of the three. Personal preference. Some of the nuances aren't known until you tie on one. If your flyshop has them or ties their own flies like FFP, ask if you can sit down and tie a fly on them.
I recently acquired a Griffin Odyssey Spider for around $80 & it is top notch in my opinion. It holds hook very secure w minimal jaw width, rotary function works great and has bobbin holder. Had a Thompson knock off that was fair but finicky & a Risen branded “Mighty” vise that was as useless as their “warranty” when used for hooks smaller than 14. With all of the money I have spent, would have been in Renzetti range but I believe the Griffin is an excellent buy.
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I vote Renzetti as well for more than a few reasons...

The company has been around since the 1970's, they support what they sell, they make quality products in the USA, they offer a lot of accessories and parts, their products are constantly evolving AND Andy started the business in Pennsylvania. 😉

BTW - The Traveler Series comes STANDARD with cam activated jaws. If you wanted the older style non-cam jaws you have to buy those separately.
I own a regal. Never had a Renzetti or peak. The most important thing a vise does is hold a hook. I would always pick the vise that holds the hook better. Peak is also made in the USA, has a warranty and lots of extras. either or, doesn’t matter If your tying tiny trout flies. I think the peak would be better if you’re tying larger flies But still both are a solid choice for a vise
All factors combined, which one is considered the last rotary vise one ever needs to buy?
My main fly-tyer is in his mid-80s and hardly ties anymore. I want to nudge my sons into becoming my full-time suppliers by gifting them a good and reasonably priced rotary vise to replace the beginner vises they presently use. It looks like I'm heading toward the $100-200 range, but I'll need to buy three of them. I've seen others for <$100 here and on other websites, but my boys don't always treat things as gently as they should.
All factors combined, which one is considered the last rotary vise one ever needs to buy?...

Everybody has their own opinions but if longevity of product is a factor, I would guess it's a toss-up.

If longevity of COMPANY to support that product is a factor and knowing Andy & Lilly Renzetti and their son are all part of their 45 year old commitment to their business, I'd be buying a Renzetti...
I've been using the Peak for about a year, I upgraded my 10 year old Danvise which had a heavy pedestal.
The pedestal on the Peak is nice and heavy as well. I'm happy with it. Based on reviews I did upgrade the plastic set screws to the brass ones, and have never had a problem.
I have a Peak and I like it. I have never used another one, so I cannot compare, but it does the job for me. I tie musky flies and sz 24 tricos without issue.
I have one of each. The Renzetti is better for travel, you know, Traveler and all as well as for trout flys. If you tie saltwater or muskie flys I would pick the Peak due to the solid brass bearing housing. Also for the kids that are less than careful with things the Peak seems like it will handle abuse better. you will need to upgrade the plastic set screws as was mentioned earlier.
I once looked into replacing the plastic screws. The brass screws have plastic on the tip. It seemed a cosmetic upgrade to me. The brass screws are pricey and I never had a issue with the plastic ones.
Thanks to all for your replies. I'm leaning towards the Traveler but I do like the bigger base on the Peak. That probably isn't a real issue since anything I tie is going to be trout-sized, i.e., up to maybe #10 hooks, with the majority in the #16 to #12 range. I appreciate all the responses.
I’m a Peak owner and I love it.
I tie from size 8 to size 26.
Solid vise, good mechanics and a good price.
Have used a Renzetti Traveler for many years from back in their Chesco days. They introduced the Clouser arm and my jaws wouldn't fit due to an engineering change. The flyshop owner called Andy Renzetti and Andy sent new jaws - no charge. I'm a fan.