Pattern help


New member
Nov 14, 2006
I've not had any luck locating the "Walt's Worm" pattern. It sounds like a bead head green weenie. I was heading to Penns this weekend, and wanted a few. Also, what color of shrimp should I tie.

Thanks, Scott
I found the pattern on another fly fishing message board. Here's the link:
Attached is the recipe with photo...believe it or not it catches fish. Tie it with or without a bead.
I cant believe that this Walt guy gets publicity for that pattern. : ) JK, nothing better than a simple fly that catches fish. I wonder what they charge per fly for that stud?
It just goes to show you that trout will bite anything-- but they are smart-- really, really smart. :-?
You could even get creative and add some gold ribbing and hackle and then......... Oh wait, never mind. ha ha ha

Take some sulphur parachutes. That's all you should need (right Fred?).

Walts Worm is a cranefly larvea pattern...turn over a few rocks now and then.

JackM wrote
It just goes to show you that trout will bite anything-- but they are smart-- really, really smart. :-?


Lets not mention the education the browns gave us on the Little J Sunday evening... 😛
Oops, I guess I mentioned it.