Partridge source



Jun 9, 2007
Who sells a bag of nice natural colored partridge for soft hackles. Did a waterproofing job in the basement and some materials have gone missing. don't need a whole skin. thanks
Most decent fly shops, as well as cabelas.
The price of partridge has sky-rocketed and a lot of places are selling it in smaller amounts.
I haven't been in for a while, but E. Hille in S. Williamsport use to sell a nice bag of partridge in many good colors, pretty cheap.

I worked at Hille's and about the time I left the quality was poor and they were sticking extra in the bags.

They now carry strips of partridge with about 24 feathers for almost the same price as a 1/10 of an ounce.

They may still have some of the old bags left over in dyed colors, but I'm guessing natural has been scarfed up.
Wow, a full skin goes for $26 now, and I seem to remember buying mine for $10 less than a year ago.

Is there a reason for this sudden increase?
Big Partridge is sticking it to the consumer again.
Bush is behind this, right? Or is this an Obama communist-facist-nazi-socialist-rightish-leftish-possibly-not-moderate-plot?

I'm sticking with Bush/Cheney. Its easier to blame Halliburton than remain on top of how I'm supposed to blame Obama.

Maybe all the partridges got wiped out by the big oil spill! Who's fault is that again? I can't keep track. I think it was that damned Millard Fillmore.. The Whig Party was always mucking things up!
i suggest a windfall profit tax on partridge hunters and farmers!
MKern wrote:

They now carry strips of partridge with about 24 feathers for almost the same price as a 1/10 of an ounce.

same price as 1/10 of an ounce of what???????

Who woulda thunk that scale in the closet could be used for something besides.......... nevermind.
I was waiting for that response...
I've found that the bagged patridge might seen cheaper, but I end up throwing a lot of it away. The feathers in the bags are either junk fluff or have been mangled and squashed. I paid around $20-25 for my last skin and it was well worth it. Every feather is in usable condition, it's easy to find the feather I want, and they don't fly all over the place when I open the packaging.

Buy yourself a whole skin, it's worth the price. The best feathers are not in abundance in a bagged lot. You can find them online but for the optimum color you've got to look at it in person.