Paflyfish Steelhead Jam - Brief Update

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Ryguyfi will post the detailed update this week. I wanted to share a brief trip report to get the week started. Fishidiot and I made our way up to the Steelhead Jam on Friday morning. Nothing like some Sheetz coffee and a Tastycake cupcake to help start a fishing trip. I am used to taking most of my trips alone so having some company for the six hour ride was most welcomed.

We made a brief stop at an unnamed wild brook trout stream in Centre County. I didn't even have my gear on and Fishidiot already had a trout.

We arrived in Erie late Friday afternoon. Again I will let ryguyfi provide the details, but in general the weather was nice, the water was low, and the fishing was slow.

As always it was a great opportunity to meet up with over 25 Paflyfish members during the weekend. We had frequent chances to get together at Folly's Campground or at dinner during the weekend.

Fishidiot and I had enough of the Erie skunk on Sunday and headed towards Spring Creek. Very nice afternoon with some time at Fisherman's Paradise. Still many fish on the redds spawning along the banks.

Fun weekend to get caught up with everyone. Thanks to ryguyfi for putting this together. The guys at Leland provided some of their Red Truck fly rods to try out. It was nice to have Fishidiot as my navigator.
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