Hats for sale



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
I have a good number of hats left from the Jamboree. If you are interested in purchasing one Email me at and we can begin the process.

Below are some photos of the hats. We experimented with some different colors this year. We have one left that is orange(tangerine) that would be good for fishing during hunting season and even a couple pink ones for the ladies out there There is a Navy color that looks like a dark denim.

And as always the all tan and two-tone with green, blue or charcoal visor.

The price shipped is $20 to your door or $16 if we can meet conveniently near York Pa.

These hats are very nice, ask anyone who has one.
I'll send you an email for one - forgot to buy mine at the Jam.
Don't bother asking anyone, I'll tell you straight up, they are quality made and help identify you to other anglers as a cool and knowledgable fly angler. :cool:

Which reminds me, did anyone find themselves in possession of a hat that says Little River Outfitters? My son mislaid his hat at the Jam and we think someone may have picked it up by mistake. If instead you stole it, nevermind, as I wouldn't expect you to change your mind about how bad you wanted it.
Anyone who has seen mine knows that it makes an excellent fly box.
yeah you wear that hat too long Jay and that slump buster is going to make your head permanently tilted to one side.

Id be intersted in one. How many are left......and i dont want one of the pinks ones :lol: What colors are available?

Every colors combo you see in the picture except tan/Green bill...I think Wetnet wants that one.
So how do i go about paying? I have the money it possible to mail it to you?
I think Jack would look quite dapper in a pink one!
I would look dapper in just about anything.
i love my PAFF hat !!! it is the ginchiest!
Did I mention how absolutely freakin' awesome I look in it..?
I would predict that there are approzimately 21 people who would also look awesome in a PAflyfish hat. Should they take the time to order one. Fathers or not. Happy fathers Day to you and Ryan, Tom.
Bumped up for gift ideas this holiday season. Still have a bunch of all tan, 1 blue and 1 tan with a charcoal visor.
Is there Pink ones left. It'll match my eyes.
No pink ones left but if we order more we can put in an order for pink. Available colors listed above.
Maurice wrote:

Every colors combo you see in the picture except tan/Green bill...I think Wetnet wants that one.


I just found that hat, I took to sell. It's one that has a green bill!

If anyone wants it let me know, I think they're, $15.00... Maurice, is that price right?


{ edit: They are $15.00 or $20 shipped to your door, Maurice}
My hat is still going strong, as noted by every hero shot I've posted in the last two years. It does stink though.

They are quality.