Paflyfish 2011 Spring Jamboree Recap

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I fished Ambergis Caye while on my honeymoon with my wife. First off, great place to visit and fish!! We chartered a bonefish guide and hit the flats and my wife caught one on a spin rod before I could connect on my fly rod, it was our first argument as a married couple to say....
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The Spring 2011 Jam was marked by a new location, a great turnout and plenty of high water. In true Jam tradition it did rain, but fortunately was not something that held up any of the weekends activities. Thanks to all of those who came out as I had a blast catching up with everyone.

I started the weekend on Thursday afternoon by stopping on the Little J to met up with my friend Ron Kolman. We were lucky to be greeted by Dryflyguy and proceeded to hit the stream.

Dryflyguy shared some of this prized sulphur flies and floatant (post on the floatant coming soon). We were greeted by plenty of sulphurs hatching throughout the day and into the evening. The water was high, off-color, but wadable. I was pleasantly surprised to make a good evening of the sulphur hatch.

The weekend activities then moved to the Seven Mountains Campground in Spring Mills. A very nice campground and good setup for the rest of the weekend. Plenty of Paflyfish members were already there and set up for the weekend on Thursday night.

After more fly fishing on Friday and a quick stop to the Spruce Creek Tavern for some fries with Jack I made it back to the campground. The evening activities were highlighted with Dave Rothrock provided a conversation on nymph fishing and other topics.

With the water still high and many of the streams really not approachable, Dave Rothrock came back on Saturday morning and led a fly casting clinic, which was well received.

Saturday afternoon the crew got back to fishing on the Little J, Spring Creek, and some of the smaller brook trout streams in the area. Penns Creek was completely blown out by the rains earlier in the week.

Saturday night festivities were highlighted with a even larger group at the Seven Moutians Campground. Dave "Fishidiot" Weaver shared again one of his wonderful paintings. Bruno shared one of this bamboo fly rods as part of the proceeds.

I want to thank Maurice, Jack, Fishidiot and Afish for getting the weekend together. As always a lot of fun and a great turnout. The new location was a big hit and it was great to have Dave Rothrock join us as well.

Please feel free to comment share some of your own thought on the weekend. I have more pictures already posted on the Paflyfish Facebook fanpage here.
Dave, may I also give props to Heritage Angler? Ed did a lot of groundwork on the alternative location, and though we do not use it this time, his contribution to planning should not go unnoticed.
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Dave, may I also give props to Heritage Angler? Ed did a lot of groundwork on the alternative location, and though we do not use it this time, his contribution to planning should not go unnoticed.
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Dave, may I also give props to Heritage Angler? Ed did a lot of groundwork on the alternative location, and though we do not use it this time, his contribution to planning should not go unnoticed.
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This was my first Jam and I would like to thank everyone who helped to put it together. Also thanks to Shakey and (I believe) Brian for the entertainment Saturday night. I throughly enjoyed it, what great talent! And to everyone who attended thanks for making a new face feel welcome. What a great event! Can't wait till next year!

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This was my first Jam and I would like to thank everyone who helped to put it together. Also thanks to Shakey and (I believe) Brian for the entertainment Saturday night. I throughly enjoyed it, what great talent! And to everyone who attended thanks for making a new face feel welcome. What a great event! Can't wait till next year!

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This was my first Jam and I would like to thank everyone who helped to put it together. Also thanks to Shakey and (I believe) Brian for the entertainment Saturday night. I throughly enjoyed it, what great talent! And to everyone who attended thanks for making a new face feel welcome. What a great event! Can't wait till next year!

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My only regret was not staying at the CG's, I missed most of the actitivies. Next year I'll stay at the CG's for sure.

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My only regret was not staying at the CG's, I missed most of the actitivies. Next year I'll stay at the CG's for sure.

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My only regret was not staying at the CG's, I missed most of the actitivies. Next year I'll stay at the CG's for sure.

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I have found Dave Rothrock to be a knowledgeable and accomplished fly fisherman and teacher.

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I have found Dave Rothrock to be a knowledgeable and accomplished fly fisherman and teacher.

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I have found Dave Rothrock to be a knowledgeable and accomplished fly fisherman and teacher.

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Every day if I can swing it…

Sub-freezing temps are the challenge.
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Not unless it's for steel head, giving the trout a much needed rest. They deserve it..
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yes and I was out this morning. :pint: Conditions due limit my time on the water. An iced over water body will result in no fly fishing.
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