PA not honoring winter stocking dates anymore?

camdogrs wrote:
and then my BOA lace snapped and I didn't have my spare in the car with me so it cut my day short of walking way down stream.

Sorry this made me laugh at your expense. I know the feeling and why I have to laugh at everybody that thinks BOA's are the best.
It's only the second lace I've broke on two pairs of boots. Also the amount of spare parts and laces I have is obscene. I think I washed my waders took them out of my waterproof pouch and never put them back in. My fault not the boots.
This thread is classic. Obviously there needs to be more supervision during stocking activities. In addition I think there should be a proprietary algorithm developed so that trout are stocked proportionally and equally throughout ATWs.

I hate nothing more than fishing a marginal trout stream (I mean ATW), and not catching or seeing any trout in areas of optimal habitat. Also, I think that adult Salmon and Steelhead should be captured from the Salmon River and Walnut Creek, then stocked according to said algorithm into SE PA streams.

Not only is it unfair to fish the day after a scheduled stocking and not catch any fish, it is egregious that the SE PA fly fishermen need to travel 6 hours to catch Salmon and Steelhead.

We do have quality control of a sort, but don't get me going on truck followers. We have regular followers, which seems silly since we stock roughly the same number of trout at the same spots. There aren't any mysteries. The biologist gets weekly calls about how we were 10 fish under at spot C on and on. I've had a couple of times when the truck couldn't get to a spot because the truck followers parked in the way. Usually there is some work around. However, once the driver was in a bad mood and just headed to the next spot, which led to an uproar.